reading the Corriere I prepared my students for the exam

by time news

2023-06-26 14:46:03

by Mario Rusconi*

The story of the principal of the Liceo Pio IX Aventine in Rome: I also sensed Chabod, we studied him in February. Every Monday I suggested reading some articles

*Director of the Liceo Scientifico Pio IX Aventine, Rome, and president of the Rome ANP

We receive and gladly publish:
The Italian subject of the high school diploma is covered in detail in the most important national newspapers, in particular in the Corriere della Sera! Always remember this and act accordingly. This is my constant affirmation, a sort of mantra, repeated ad nauseam to the students of the fifth scientific high school of Pius IX in Rome that I direct. And, almost every Monday morning, as soon as lessons began, I entered their classroom and began distributing copies of the Corriere and Lettura of the past week, underlining the most significant articles suited to the characteristics of each student, urging them to neglect – at least for passing of maturity – both the pages strictly on party politics and those dealing with sport. The boys then cut out the most significant texts on the environment, technologies, devices, climate, energy and so on.

Chabod’s text

When Traces of Italian came out on 21 June, the first day of the exam, we learned with anxious satisfaction that, yes, it was really true, the topics of the most intriguing topics (and therefore most popular with Italian students) had appeared many times on those pages of the newspaper which, as a new itinerant newsagent, I had circulated in class! From these considerations another one is added which is almost paranormal. Feeling that the students, during the hours of philosophy and history, were interested in discussing the concepts of nation and nationalisms, past and present, since these topics rebound from the frequent political-party utterances so lively in our country. Well, one day in February I entrusted my old copy Laterza by Federico Chabod on the Idea of ​​the Nation to the good philosophy teacher, proposing to her the discussion in class which – which later took place – turned out to be very effervescent.

The second test

In conclusion, it can be affirmed, almost scientifically, that the proposal of the Italian high school subjects is carried out by consulting the pages of the Corriere della Sera and that the divination skills relating to philosophy texts bring good to the high school students! PS You could ask the Corriere to develop topics relating to mathematics and Latin for next year, so… you never know, it would also facilitate the dreaded second test of the scientific and classics!

June 26, 2023 (change June 26, 2023 | 2:45 pm)

#reading #Corriere #prepared #students #exam

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