Pedro Sánchez: “I feel that we have gone back 20 years in 20 days” | General elections 23J | Spain

by time news

2023-06-27 00:07:19

Pedro Sánchez has shown this Monday night his perplexity before the presidencies of autonomous parliaments that Vox is imposing in communities such as the Balearic Islands, Aragon and the Valencian Community, the result of the agreements of the ultra party with the PP. The President of the Government sees in the constitution of the autonomous Chambers that came out on May 28 and the pacts -already finalized or under negotiation- of PP and Vox the “trailer of a dark movie”. In an interview on Hora 25, on SER, Sánchez wondered “where do they get these people from”, because he stated that he was “convinced that Vox voters are better than some of their representatives”.

The Prime Minister and PSOE candidate for re-election on July 23 has pointed out how it is possible for these appointments to take place, in a country that, he has said, “has been an example of vaccination in the world” and where there are now “declared anti-vaccination publicly in front of the institutions”. He has assured the same about climate change and women’s rights and about the appointment of Vox politicians to preside over the parliaments of people who, he has assured, deny the first and are contrary to the second.

The leader of the PSOE and president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, criticized the statements of the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, about the president of Vox in the Valencian Community, Carlos Flores, convicted in 2002 for harassing his wife — “psychological breakdown, 21 coercion, insults and vexations”, the sentence specified – he alleged that his case was due to “a harsh divorce”. “You cannot justify the unjustifiable,” he stressed. “We have gone back 20 years in the public debate in 20 days,” stressed Sánchez, who has witnessed these days “very dangerous and very worrying things”

And at this point, Sánchez has not restricted the responsibility for these appointments to Vox, but has extended it to the PP. “Those people are climbing into those institutions because the PP is voting for them.” The involution of the “20 years in 20 days” the leader of the PSOE has materialized in the declaration of municipalities as “LGBTI free zones” or the elimination of the word “macho” from “violence” in the concentrations against the murders of women. That “is to recognize without hesitation that in Spain gender violence does not exist”, he stated, to conclude: “What is worrying, logically, is not that Vox is climbing into these institutions, but that the PP has gone far to the right and has assumed those discourses and ideological frameworks”. Sánchez has avoided assessing whether he receives concern from the European institutions about the advance of the extreme right in Spain.

Asked about the economic promises of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who this Monday said that with his Government the 22 million Social Security affiliates will be exceeded (now there are 20.8 million, a record number), Sánchez replied that this promised growth ” it reduces by 50%” what his Executive has done in his mandates. “The rule of 22 is somewhat confusing —Sánchez ironized about Feijóo—, because he arrives by multiplying two by ten. But in one aspect, Mr. Feijóo does apply the rule of two: he has a job and earns two salaries: one salary and one bonus. He has to explain himself ”, he remarked. The PSOE has urged the president of the PP, and has also asked this Monday in the Senate, to clarify the bonus apart from his salary as a senator, which the Popular Party considers “representation expenses.” Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in that same radio program, but a week ago he did not answer the question of how much he receives from the PP.

“We come from a time in which the directors of the PP pocketed a salary and a bonus, one in a and another in b. Beyond the concept of the legal, there is the concept of exemplarity. If there is nothing to hide, why are these data hidden?” Sánchez insisted.

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The president has not come to assess Sumar’s proposal to delay the closure of the polling stations until 10 at night, in anticipation that high temperatures will be suffered on July 23, and has ventured that that day there will be a high turnout . Included, on the left side. This greater attendance at the polls has been put as a counterpoint to that of May 28, in which, he has assured, there was a “demobilization of the socialist vote in the face of a hypermobilization of PP and Vox.” Sánchez believes that in July it will influence in favor of the left that after the elections “information that was not there before” became known: [la de] two parties that, without embarrassment, have decided to govern where they can”. And another element: that the left to the left of the PSOE that concurred separately in the regional and municipal elections has now come together around Sumar and Yolanda Díaz.

But, before, he has shown differences with Sumar and his proposal to offset the rise in mortgages. “I am not in favor of giving resources from the public to the financial sector. The financial sector must be urged to facilitate the transition from the variable rate to the fixed rate. We have to implement policies that facilitate the acquisition of a home”.

Along the same lines as in his recent and frequent interviews in the media, the president once again was very critical of certain media groups, without mentioning specifically which ones, and “economic power”, without giving further details. “We have no political opposition. We have an opposition in certain media groups. And we have economic power that leads the way for the political opposition.” Sánchez denied that the Ibex 35 is with Feijóo and avoided giving details. “I am the President of the Government and I cannot criticize.”

“Feijóo or happiness”

The socialist leader did criticize the terms of the electoral debate in the early stages of the pre-campaign: “In our country we are not debating the action of this government, which has had an extraordinary performance,” said the president. “We are talking about Sánchez or Spain. And if I raise things like Feijóo or happiness, or Feijóo or planet Earth, the voter would think that we are kidding them.

Asked if he would abstain to facilitate a PP government with the help of Vox, Sánchez replied: “the PP has offered us a pact so that the PP will always govern.” The president cited the case of the PP’s refusal to cooperate in the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary, stating that in cases like this “what is done is denying the legitimacy of the left ruling the country.” Given Feijóo’s statements to help the government on the most voted list, Sánchez said: “The PP has seen that if they can govern with Vox they will. They are pretty words if they had a meaning.” And he has given as an example that the PP does not accept that the most voted list governs in the cases of Extremadura and the Canary Islands, where the PSOE was the first force on 28-M.

The president also announced that the Government will approve this Tuesday in the Council of Ministers the extension of aid for public transport and the reduction of VAT on basic foods, and will give the go-ahead to a new battery of measures to “help the classes stockings and workers”, among them, a 15% deduction in personal income tax for the purchase of electric vehicles.

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