Ligue 2: “Do not let this injustice pass” … the call for help from Annecy players

by time news

2023-06-27 01:28:18

On behalf of all his teammates and his FC Annecy club, Ahmed Kashi, 34, the Annecy midfielder, who is also a UNFP delegate for his team, launched a solemn appeal for justice in an open letter sent on Monday to Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, Philippe Diallo, President of the FFF, Vincent Labrune, President of the LFP and Philippe Piat, President of the UNFP.

FC Annecy is under threat of relegation to National due to the interruption of the Bordeaux-Rodez match and the loss of the match inflicted on the Girondins. This match played on June 3 and counting for the 38th and last day of the Ligue 2 season was interrupted following the intrusion of a spectator on the lawn “to deliberately physically harm a player who had just score a goal”, observes the Disciplinary Committee. Rodez had just opened the scoring through Lucas Buades.

While the trend seems to be towards a lost match for Bordeaux, Rodez would remain in Ligue 2 thanks to the 3 points acquired against the Girondins, while Annecy will go down to National, 3rd level of French amateur football.

“We too could be sanctioned by the decision of the Disciplinary Committee when we have nothing to do with this case. How to accept it?, writes Kashi, signatory of the said letter. (…) You have the solution which would not penalize any party: THE LEAGUE 2 A 21. We have taken note of the regulations of the LFP and the FFF which authorize a number of up to 22 clubs for this League championship 2, proving that sports justice can be done. We implore you: do not let this injustice pass! »

Kashi argues the damage that his teammates and himself would suffer: “You can imagine the dramatic economic and sporting consequences that this could have on our lives and on our careers. We could find ourselves in precarious situations a few weeks before the resumption of the championships, with a significant drop in our salary for some, or worse, without a club and unemployed for others who had a negotiated extension in the event of maintenance. Not to mention the potentially fatal setback to our careers when we had struggled so much to reach the professional level. We are, us, our families, our children, our loved ones, in the greatest uncertainty. How can we accept that extra-sporting events decide the future of our careers? »

“How can we accept that it is extra-sporting events that decide our fate? »

The open letter also highlights the merit of Annecy, promoted last season in Ligue 2 and semi-finalist of the Coupe de France this season. “We might never play again at this level if we were relegated… We would accept it if it was the result of our performance, it is the lot of all top athletes, but how can we accept that it is extra-sporting events that decide our fate? With the limited means of a promoted and despite the lack of experience at this level, we have worked hard and we have fought sportingly throughout the season to earn 45 points on the field in the Championship and to reach the half- finals of the prestigious Coupe de France. We are even the team that has covered the most kilometers on the pitch this year. 45 points: no club has ever been relegated from Ligue 2 with so many points in the modern history of the competition! In the 23rd minute (Editor’s note: the moment the Bordeaux-Rodez match was interrupted) the score of our match against Paris FC was 0-0 (Editor’s note: 1-0 defeat in the end). If our match had been interrupted at that time we would even have 46 points and we would not be writing you this letter! »

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