Lots of sensitive questions: Union is putting pressure on Scholz to make vaccinations mandatory – domestic politics

by time news

Before his election as Chancellor by the Bundestag, Olaf Scholz (63, SPD) had spoken out in favor of compulsory vaccination for all. “At the beginning of February or beginning of March” everyone should be vaccinated, he said in an interview with BILD on November 30th – but said at the same time that the Bundestag should vote on it: “What we need is a legislative process where every member of parliament votes according to their conscience about a general compulsory vaccination. “

Since then, MPs from almost all political groups – including the Union – have spoken out in favor of compulsory vaccination. Nevertheless, the Union parliamentary group does not feel ready to make this serious decision – and blames the government for it!

In a letter to Chancellery Minister Wolfgang Schmidt (51, SPD), Thorsten Frei (48, CDU), the First Parliamentary Managing Director of the Union parliamentary group, criticized that the government had “so far taken a passive stance” in the discussion about compulsory vaccination References to the Bundestag ”leave.

“Yes, in the end the parliament decides – that is the case with all laws,” writes Frei.

But: The government has not provided enough information about mandatory vaccination, so his allegation.

Frei wants to know whether the federal government will bring in its own draft law on compulsory vaccination. “If not, why not? In this case, why should the expertise and capacities of the federal government, in particular the ministries for health, the interior and the judiciary, remain unused? “

The impression must be avoided that the government is “indifferent to the margins” or stealing from responsibility, writes Frei. “This would only be further food for the uncertainty of the people in our country and poison for the resolute fight against the pandemic.”

Frei attached a long list of three dozen questions and sub-questions to his letter – with a request for an answer later this year.

The most important:

▶ ︎ Is the Ampel government planning to introduce compulsory vaccinations?

▶ ︎ When should she come? When should it apply?

▶ ︎ Which primary goal is to be pursued with it?

▶ ︎ How often and how regularly do you have to vaccinate?

▶ ︎ What penalties do refusers face? How should it be checked that everyone is vaccinated?


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