Regarding the environmental terrorism and police violence that occurred in Soyudlu village of Gadabey district

by time news

2023-06-23 21:50:53

Statement of the National Council

Gadabey district, which has been one of the charming corners of Azerbaijan’s nature for many years, is facing the ecological terror of the Aliyev regime.

The large amount of cyanide waste generated as a result of the application of outdated and cheap technologies during the operation of the Gadabay gold fields, which is owned by the ruling family, has been confirmed by international journalistic research, and the discharge of a large amount of cyanide waste into the artificial lake created in the 10 ha area of ​​Soyudlu village, and the fact that this lake does not meet the safety standards, is causing a real environmental tragedy to the local people.

The discharge of cyanide acid waste, characterized by high toxicity, into the artificial lake created in the territory of Soyudlu village for many years without taking any safety measures has had a severe negative impact on the ecology of the village and Gadabay region, the life and health of the residents, and the agricultural products grown in the village. According to the claim of the residents of Soyudlu, cancer and other serious diseases have spread massively in the village due to the poisoning of air and water with toxic waste, the age of death has decreased sharply, and fruits and vegetables are destroyed.

As if these were not enough, the Aliyev regime, which seized all the underground and surface resources of the country and was a prisoner of the inexhaustible desire to get rich, took away 48 hectares of grazing land from these poor people and created a second artificial lake for toxic cyanide waste in that area. preparing to strike.

The introduction of units of the Internal Troops on the residents of Söyudlu, who wanted to prevent this ecological terror against nature, the environment, human health, and our national gene pool, the violence committed by using tear gas and clubs against Azerbaijani women, mothers, and elderly people who rose up in a peaceful protest, and the close-range beating of an elderly mother. Atrocities such as spraying pepper spray on her eyes, dragging the martyr’s mother to the ground and beating her with a stick and kick revealed the anti-national, anti-human and anti-humanist nature of the Azerbaijani government once again in all its nakedness.

In order to gain more wealth, poisoning the real owners of that wealth, who were abandoned to a poor and poor life, with cyanide waste, using excessive force and suppressing the voice of the people’s protest with violence, and the people who raise their voices to live and not be poisoned and die, are almost attributed to the agency network of Western intelligence circles. it is a clear proof of how far he has fallen, turning Azerbaijan into a police state and speaking to the people only in the language of force and oppression.

The encirclement of the village of Soyudlu by the police forces, and the closing of the entrances and exits to the village cannot fail to provoke anger and indignation as a repetition of the experiences of the Stalin era.

As the National Council of Democratic Forces, we demand from the Azerbaijani authorities to put an end to the environmental terrorism and police violence perpetrated against the residents of Soyudlu, and to release the people who were illegally and unjustifiably arrested administratively.

The artificial lake containing highly dangerous cyanide waste existing in the territory of Soyudlu village, which causes the destruction of nature, pollution of the environment, the deterioration of the ecological background of Soyudlu village, Gadabay region and potentially the whole of Azerbaijan, should be brought to a safe state for nature, the environment, human life and health, secondly The anti-national and anti-human initiative like the creation of an artificial lake should be abandoned immediately.

The regime, which lives with the care of making billions, should also be ashamed of the poverty that rains from the appearance of the protesting residents of Soyudlu, at least the fact that the vast majority of the people of the kingdom of oil and billions they looted for the sake of wealth are toothless. Ilham Aliyev, who boasts that Azerbaijan’s strategic currency reserve exceeds 60 billion dollars, should not forget that he is the president of these poor and brave people.

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