Chasing the far right on immigration, the eternal temptation of the right

by time news

2023-06-27 11:00:12

Vice-president of the National Assembly and figure of the National Rally (RN), Sébastien Chenu was too young to have known François Duprat. But this defector from the right got to know the “classic” frontists. “The voter always prefers the original to the copy”, repeated the ideologue of the National Front (FN, ancestor of the RN), who was assassinated in the explosion of his car, in 1978. Mr. Chenu delivers the variation in 2023 to accuse Les Républicains (LR) of plagiarism, like Jean- Marie Le Pen with the RPR or the UMP in the past. “On all the subjects on which we are identified, one day or another, it is to us that we attribute the merits. Let the LRs not imagine for two seconds that because they say “immigration” people will believe them. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Credibility, ongoing project for the RN at the National Assembly

However, the right-wing party has been having a hard time in recent weeks with a series of very proactive measures unveiled in The Sunday newspaper, May 21. Its president, Eric Ciotti, announces that he wants “stop mass immigration” and displays one of its shock proposals: to revise the Constitution to allow the organization of a referendum on the subject and to derogate from the primacy of the treaties and European law when “the fundamental interests of the nation are at stake”. Which would be the case with immigration, according to the leaders of LR.

The offensive targets the majority and its bill on immigration, which has become a sea serpent. The right hits hard, convinced of arriving at “clamp” a Macronie who would, by nature, be uncomfortable and divided between his left wing and his right wing on the subject. Many jurists are choking, denouncing an offensive against the rule of law; Dominique de Villepin deplores, at the microphone of France Inter, “a movement towards the far right which seems difficult to stop”.

But when the former prime minister talks about the principles “clearly fixed” by Jacques Chirac, his memory becomes selective. In terms of immigration, his political family has always had the temptation to look at the copy of his right-wing neighbor. The phenomenon dates back to the mid-1980s – when Mr. Chirac led the RPR – at the time of the electoral breakthrough of the FN. “For the first time, there is a co-option of the ideas of the FN, notes Emilien Houard-Vial, doctoral student at Sciences Po and specialist in LR. The leaders of the RPR had the intuition, at the time, that if they positioned themselves on these questions, the voters would choose the most credible. So them. » This did not prevent François Mitterrand from being re-elected in 1988.

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