What is the “social net amount”, this line which will soon appear on your payslip?

by time news

2023-06-27 16:22:57

This data will appear on payslips from July. The measure must “simplify the procedures for beneficiaries” and reduce the risk of error.

It’s a small line that should not go unnoticed. From July 2023, a new statement will appear on employees’ payslips: this is the net social amount, i.e. the “net income after deduction of all compulsory social contributions“, indicates the Ministry of Labour. This corresponds to the resources that employees must declare to assess their rights to certain social benefits, such as the activity bonus or the RSA.

Until now, employees had to calculate this amount themselves, at the risk of making mistakes. This reformwill therefore simplify the procedures for recipients and will also reduce the risk of errors (…), undue payments or reminders of benefits, sources of financial insecurity for recipients“, as the government explained last February.

Tool against non-recourse

The «montant net social» is part of the project of «solidarity at the source», government strategy to fight against the non-use of social benefits. According to a report published in June 2021 by Secours Catholique, around a third of people eligible for the RSA do not receive it, a rate which peaks at a quarter for those eligible for family allowances.

Taking up the principle ofwithholding tax” of income tax, the net social amount will be communicated directly to the Family Allowance Funds (CAF) for each income paid by employers and social organizations, and this, from 2024. “Beneficiaries will therefore be able to go to mesdroitssociaux.fr to consult the total amount of their net social income“, specifies the Ministry of Labor on its website.

In addition to establishing the net social amount, the decree published last February provides other adaptations of the payslip, including more readable wording and harmonization of the display of certain benefits, refunds or deductions. Those who are struggling to decipher their payslip will finally have the satisfaction of seeing the document lighten up by a few lines, the Ministry of Labor having promised the deletion of certain superfluous information.

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