“Endocrinology Day dedicated to obesity, a real pandemic”

by time news

2023-06-27 14:22:00

“On June 29, the National Endocrinology Day will be dedicated to the theme of obesity, the real pandemic of today: the number of people with excess weight is constantly increasing. For this reason, Italy is more or less around at 10%, with a clear North-South gradient to the detriment of the southern regions”. To tell time.news Salute Annamaria Colao, president of the Sie (Italian Society of Endocrinology) and professor of Endocrinology at the Federico II University of Naples, one of the promoters of the National Endocrinology Day, scheduled for June 29 with a focus on obesity. (VIDEO)

“Obesity is a chronic, serious and potentially severe disease – continues Colao – in which the cause of excessive weight gain is due to a specific alteration of the endocrine-metabolic system and involves a series of hormonal axes, including the main are involved in the hunger/satiety system at the central level and in energy expenditure at the muscular level.There are also various forms of secondary obesity in which other endocrine glands are involved such as the adrenal gland (Cushing’s syndrome or disease), the thyroid gland (the hypothyroidism), the pituitary gland (hypopituitarism), or the sex glands (hypogonadism).”

With the National Endocrinology Day “we want to offer the population the correct information on obesity, through the dedicated help-desk: [email protected]. A qualified team of EIS specialists will offer a free answer to the questions that will come from the population “.

“We are talking about a real emergency, especially in the South – remarked Colao – because obesity is a pathology for the areas and for the most deprived people from a social and economic point of view. Not only that. Unfortunately, we are witnessing a increase in children and adolescents with weight problems: an overweight child will become an obese adult and probably an adult with a series of comorbidities of the cardiovascular system, with oncological and neurodegenerative pathologies, and of course the pathology most associated with obesity is diabetes “. Hence the idea of ​​the Sie, with the Fism (Federation of Italian medical-scientific societies), to activate the help-desk operational from 29 June.

“The e-mail address will be active for about a month and anyone will be able to ask questions – underlines the expert – The answers will come from all Italian endocrinology schools”. What is important, remarked Colao, “is that obesity is seen as a morbid condition, a true pathology and not just a lifestyle error”. We “have a fundamentally inherited metabolism and pathologies of the endocrine system that can be confused and overlap with the problem of weight. There are some diseases, such as Cushing’s syndrome or alterations in thyroid function, which in some way get confused with obesity. This is why it is necessary to provide information and clarity thanks to this initiative”, concludes President Sie.

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