Cristina Kirchner announced that she will be in an act with Sergio Massa | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

2023-06-26 16:24:47

After Sergio Massa was nominated as a pre-candidate for the Casa Rosada of Unión por la Patria, Vice President Cristina Kirchner announced this Monday morning that in the afternoon they will participate together in an act at exESMA. This will be the first public endorsement of the former president to the head of the Frente Renovador as a candidate for the pro-government coalition, after remaining silent after the announcement made last Friday. When she said that the two would share the activity, however, she mentioned him as “the Minister of Economy”, and made no reference to the electoral issue.

“Today, at 4:00 p.m., we are going to participate in the act of recovering the Skyvan PA-51 plane used for the ‘flights of death’ during the last civil-military dictatorship. This is a claim from the relatives of the victims of ‘Santa Cruz’, who will be present at the event along with the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, who carried out the international efforts that made it possible,” Cristina Kirchner said in her official Twitter account.

Later, he continued about the recovered plane: “From the flight sheets, it was verified that this plane was used on December 14, 1977 to throw the victims of the Church of the Holy Cross into the sea, among whom were Azucena Villaflor , Esther Ballestrino de Careaga and María Eugenia Ponce de Bianco, members of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, and the French nuns Alice Domon and Leonie Duquet. The Skyvan PA-51 was identified in 2010 by the journalist and survivor of the dictatorship Miriam Lewin, and the Italian photographer Giancarlo Ceraudo, and was included as evidence in the ESMA mega-case”.

In the last stretch, the vice president mentioned Massa again as the one who made this management possible. “Following the request of the relatives of the victims, the Ministry of Economy bought the ship and organized its transfer from the United States. Now the plane will be located on the exESMA property, where it will serve as a contribution to the construction of the Memory on State terrorism”, indicated Cristina Kirchner, who closed: “Memory, Truth and Justice”.

Present in the negotiations that on Friday concluded with the decision that the official presidential ticket would be Sergio Massa-Agustín Rossi, Cristina Kirchner, however, remained silent since then, when they decided to remove the other pairing that was sounding to represent Unión por the Homeland and that he had his bishop Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro as a candidate for the Casa Rosada, escorted by Juan Manzur.

#Cristina #Kirchner #announced #act #Sergio #Massa #Cuyos #diary

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