There is no holiness without service to the poor and marginalized

by time news

2023-06-28 13:41:00

June 28, 2023 / 6:41 a.m.

At the General Audience this Wednesday, Pope Francis stated that “on the path of holiness, which is the Christian path, the poor and the marginalized are protagonists and a person cannot advance in holiness if he does not also dedicate himself to them”.

The Holy Father presided this Wednesday, June 28, at the General Audience in Saint Peter’s Square in the Vatican, where he reflected on the testimony of Saint Mary MacKillop, who dedicated his life to training the poor of Australia.

In his catechesis addressed to the thousands of pilgrims from various parts of the world, the Pope focused his gaze on Oceania, the continent where this saint was born, and remarked that “the faith in Christ, which so many European emigrants brought to those lands, soon took root and bore abundant fruit.

“Among them, an extraordinary nun, Saint Mary MacKillop, founder of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, who dedicated his life to the intellectual and religious formation of the poor of rural Australia.

The Pontiff stressed that this saint felt called by God from a young age “to serve him and bear witness to him not only with words, but above all with a life transformed by the presence of God.”

For St. Mary MacKillop, the best way to do it was to “through the education of young people, knowing that Catholic education is a great form of evangelization”.

For this reason, he founded various schools, especially for the poor and marginalized in Australia. “And this is very important: on the path of holiness, which is the Christian path, the poor and the marginalized are protagonists and a person cannot advance in holiness if he does not also dedicate himself to them, in one way or another. ”, clarified the Pope.

The Pontiff stressed that “there is no holiness if, in one way or another, there is no attention to the poorto the needy, to those who are on the margins of society”.

In this sense, he stressed that “this concern for the poor and marginalized led Maria to go where others did not want or could not go.”

On March 19, 1866, the Australian saint opened the first school in a small suburb in South Australia. “Many others followed that she and her sisters founded in rural communities in Australia and New Zealand. They multiplied, because apostolic zeal does this: it multiplies the works”, recalled Pope Francis.

He then stressed that the purpose of education is the personal development of the person and that “it does not consist of filling the head with ideas”, but “accompanying and encouraging students on the path of human and spiritual growth, showing them how friendship with the Risen Jesus broadens the heart and makes life more human”.

“Educating is helping to think well: feel good -the language of the heart- now Do well -the language of the hands-. This vision is fully valid today, when we feel the need for an ‘educational pact’ capable of uniting families, schools and the whole of society”.

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He also highlighted that Saint Mary MacKillop had great faith in God’s Providence, since she “always trusted that in any situation God provides”, and never “gave up in moments of darkness, when her joy was marred by opposition.” and rejection.” “This is the secret of apostolic zeal: the continuous relationship with the Lord”he explained.

Finally, Pope Francis asked that the missionary example of Saint Mary MacKillop “inspire all of us today, called to be the leaven of the Gospel in our rapidly changing societies.”

“May his example and intercession support the daily work of parents, teachers, catechists and all educators, for the good of young people and for a more humane and hopeful future,” the Holy Father concluded.

During the greetings to the pilgrims, the Pope thanked “the support in prayer that I have felt during my stay in the hospital and every day that I receive in my apostolic ministry.”

He also highlighted that last Sunday, Mother Elisa Martínez was beatified in the Sanctuary of Santa María de Leuca (Italy), which gives its name to the Congregation she founded and asked for applause for the new blessed.

Later, he recalled that tomorrow, June 29, we will celebrate the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul and asked “that the example and protection of these two Apostles support each of us in following Christ.”

“To his intercession we entrust the dear Ukrainian people, so that they find peace soon: there is a lot of suffering in Ukraine, let us not forget it,” the Holy Father said finally.

It should be noted that this has been the last General Audience until August 9, when the Holy Father resumes his usual schedule after a period of rest.

Almudena Martínez-Bordiú is a Spanish journalist, correspondent for ACI Prensa in Rome and the Vatican, with four years of experience in religious information.

#holiness #service #poor #marginalized

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