Death of Nahel: burnt cars, mortar fire … scuffles break out everywhere in France

by time news

2023-06-28 23:34:52

Will the call for calm launched by the authorities have been heard? Wednesday evening, around 10:30 p.m., the incidents were sporadic and limited in France. Clashes erupted in several cities in France for the second consecutive evening after the death of Nahel, 17, killed Tuesday by police fire following a refusal to comply in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine). In a much lower proportion than the day before. But with the fear that the incidents will escalate overnight.

The first tensions were reported shortly before 8 p.m. in Toulouse. Images posted on social networks showed a major outbreak of fire in the Reynerie district. A hundred individuals threw projectiles at the police and a light vehicle was set on fire, according to a police source.

In Lille, where a demonstration against police violence started around 7 p.m., clashes between demonstrators and the police also broke out. A “caillassage” action was underway around 8 p.m., according to a police source, who deplored “a burned vehicle”.

Gatherings took place this Wednesday evening in other cities such as Nantes where a procession set off in the early evening in peace. “Justice for Nahel”, “the police are disgusting”, chanted the demonstrators calmly.

In Nanterre, where several public and private buildings suffered Tuesday evening “significant and unacceptable damage, sometimes irreparable”, according to the town hall, a fire was reported on Boulevard Anatole-France. A bus was set on fire in Grigny (Essonne) place de la Treille.

The Paris Police Prefecture was rather optimistic in the evening, citing “contained” incidents.

Reinforced workforce

The authorities announced a “reinforced” mobilization of the police from Wednesday evening in order to avoid a second night of urban violence. 18 people had been arrested since the beginning of the afternoon told us yesterday evening, shortly before 11 p.m., the Hauts-de-Seine prefecture. The day before, 31 people had been arrested in France and 24 members of the police had been slightly injured.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said that 2,000 police and gendarmes would be mobilized in Paris and its inner suburbs, 800 more than the night before. “The mobilization of the police will be reinforced everywhere in the department” of Hauts-de-Seine, also indicated the prefect, Laurent Hottiaux.

#Death #Nahel #burnt #cars #mortar #fire #scuffles #break #France

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