To reduce your bill, consider group moving

by time news

2023-06-29 08:27:18

Packages piled up in haste, suitcases heaped up in bulk, brown tape stuck on in a hurry: every summer, nearly one and a half million French people set sail for a new home, move to another accommodation. In these summer heats, the logistics quickly become suffocating, the boxes heavy, the budget tight. Nextories, a French brand specializing in moving, has thought of a solution that immediately reduces the cost, the carbon footprint and the mental load of a move: groupage, a kind of carpooling but for your furniture, beds and sofas.

Groupage is “bringing together several customers in the same truck”, explains Julien Bardet, the co-founder of the brand: making the belongings of those who move to the same city travel together and ensuring that heavy goods vehicles do not return to empty. For moves of 1 to 30 m3, this makes it possible to “share most of the transport costs: diesel, tolls and travel time” which are rising visibly: + 20% since 2021 for the price of diesel.

A major logistical challenge

Profitable from 250 km, the logistical challenge of groupage is significant: “You have to load in the reverse order of delivery”, but it saves 30 to 40% of the cost of the move. “It’s not negligible when we talk about sums that exceed a thousand euros,” notes the leader. Concretely, your belongings will be placed in a truck and separated vertically from those of others by a net, this lowers the bill for example from 2,940 euros to 1,728 euros for a load of 20 m3 between Paris and Toulouse.

The only consideration for this formula, which a third of customers opt for: the requirement for flexibility and a slightly longer deadline. “With 2-3 days of flexibility, we manage to make small optimizations” with 5 possible dates for the transfer, we can fully occupy the 100 m3 of a truck with “up to 10 small moves”. Julien Bardet concludes: “It’s a virtuous circle, the more flow we have, the more we optimize, the lower the prices, it’s a dynamic that is accelerating. »

#reduce #bill #group #moving

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