The government approves the 1.5% increase in the salaries of civil servants

by time news

2023-06-29 16:05:58

Slow progress, but progress nonetheless. Presented Wednesday in the Council of Ministers, the decree recording the 1.5% increase in the treatment of 5.7 million public officials from July 1 was published Thursday in the Official Journal.

According to the government, the text aims “to support the purchasing power of public officials, in particular that of officials who receive the lowest salaries”, in a context where inflation still exceeded 5% over one year in May.

For the worst-paid public officials, an additional salary measure is also provided for by the decree: the distribution of index points, which will allow certain officials in categories C and B to benefit from an increase in their monthly salary of up to “44 euros gross”. Another provision of the decree: a second distribution of index points on January 1, 2024, this time untargeted, which will increase the monthly pay of public officials by 25 euros gross.

Unions disappointed

Received on Tuesday by the General Directorate of Administration and the Civil Service (DGAFP) to negotiate the concrete implementation of these measures, the unions denounced insufficient wage measures. “Faced with unanimously expressed dissatisfaction, the trade unions obtained (from the administration, editor’s note) a new meeting before the end of July,” said the CGT in a press release published following the meeting at the DGAFP.

The unions denounce above all the unequal treatment created by another salary measure announced by the government: the granting in the autumn of an exceptional bonus of 300 to 800 euros to agents of the State civil service and the civil service. public hospital. The two million agents of the territorial public service will only benefit from it if their employer so decides.

“The measures announced by the Minister of Transformation and the Public Service on June 12 only reinforce our concern about the government’s lack of consideration for public officials and more particularly those on the territorial side” , was indignant the union of community agents FA-FPT in a press release published on Wednesday.

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