Exemption from the Cofins-Importation payroll can be extended

by time news

2023-06-29 19:00:06

Bill (PL) 1016/23 proposes to extend until December 31, 2027 the maintenance of an additional one percentage point in the rate of the Contribution for the Financing of Social Security (Cofins) due by importers of foreign goods or services from abroad .

The objective is to extend the payroll exemption policy for another four years, guaranteeing a stable collection system until the proposed date.

Payroll exemption

The exemption, which covers 17 sectors, consists of replacing the employer’s social security contribution on the payroll with the incidence on gross revenue. Currently, this measure is valid until the end of this year.

Payroll exemption allows companies in the benefited sectors to pay rates of 1% to 4.5% on gross revenue, instead of 20% on the payroll. The intention is that this strategy facilitates the hiring of more employees.

The author of the proposal, Deputy Ricardo Ayres (Republicanos-TO), argues that the end of payroll tax relief would be an obstacle to maintaining and creating jobs in the near future, as it would increase the costs of hiring labor in important sectors industry, services, transport and construction.

According to him, these sectors could choose to collect the social security contribution on gross revenue, instead of applying the employer social security contribution on the payroll.

“By replacing the contribution on the payroll with the incidence on gross revenue, it is necessary to extend the additional one percentage point in the Cofins-Importation rate to maintain balanced taxation between internal operations and imports, avoiding possible distortions in competition”, explains Ayers.

The project, which is still being processed in a conclusive manner, will be evaluated by the Economic Development, Finance and Taxation, Constitution and Justice, and Citizenship committees.

#Exemption #CofinsImportation #payroll #extended

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