Regional governor: temporary permanent

by time news

2023-06-21 10:18:57

During the question-and-answer session in front of the senators yesterday, in Anosy, the Minister of the Interior and Decentralization, Justin Tokely, addressed the issue of the election of the heads of regions and provinces.

“We are currently in a transitional phase. There are steps to follow for their implementation and the time will come when the State will take a decision on the implementation of people elected to head the provinces and regions, “said Justin Tokely yesterday in front of the senators.

As soon as Andry Rajoelina returned to the supreme office in 2019, the decree appointing regional heads was repealed to make way for regional governors appointed by the government. This appointment of governors sparked heated controversy at the time. Indeed, according to the law, the regional chiefs must be elected by direct suffrage.

Seized by the President of the Senate at the time, Rivo Rakotovao, on the review of the constitutionality of the decree appointing new governors, the High Constitutional Court (HCC) had declared that the appointment of the executive body of the region by the power central is temporary in view of the effective transition to the status of decentralized territorial community. However, it is up to the State to implement this prerequisite as soon as possible, in order to organize the regional elections within a reasonable time, added the HCC in its decision. Five years later, the regional governors are still there, others have been dismissed and replaced. The transitional period is thus tending to become permanent.

#Regional #governor #temporary #permanent

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