The Effects of Alcohol on Breastfeeding: What You Should Know

by time news

2023-06-29 15:19:56

alcohol during pregnancy An absolute no go. If you’re careful, as a breastfeeding mom, you can treat yourself to another sip, right? no Is totally forbidden alcohol during breastfeeding not, but you shouldn’t just reach for the glass. We will explain to you if and when alcohol is allowed again while breastfeeding.

1. The most important things at a glance

Also during the lactation period should in principle abstain from alcohol become.
The alcohol gets into the breast milk via the blood and is thus passed on to the baby. In addition, regular consumption of alcohol can reduce the amount of milk. Still, alcohol is in lactation not entirely forbidden. But you should if possible small glass drink – and afterwards wait long enoughuntil you breastfeed your child again. are also preferable Beverages with a low alcohol content.

2. Is alcohol allowed or harmful when breastfeeding?

Alcohol is not necessarily allowed while breastfeeding, but it is not completely forbidden either. Of course, the well-being of your baby should always come first. However, if you would like to have a glass as an exception (!), then this is not strictly forbidden while you are breastfeeding.

But note that the alcohol through the blood into breast milk reaches and is passed on to your baby. To prevent this, you should follow a few rules, which we will explain in more detail later.

However, the clear recommendation of the German Association of Midwives is to completely avoid alcohol while breastfeeding.

How much alcohol can I drink while breastfeeding?

How much you’re allowed to drink depends on things like how much you’ve eaten, how much you weigh, the alcohol content of the drink, and how your body reacts to alcohol. Basically, the recommendation for breastfeeding mothers applies, no more than occasionally 20g of alcohol to take. That’s about the same one or two small glasses of wine.

Alcohol in food while breastfeeding

Whether chocolates, rum balls or tiramisu: it is not uncommon for alcohol to be found in all kinds of delicacies. As a breastfeeding mom, do I have to do without it too? It really depends on how much you treat yourself to. You should definitely avoid a whole box of chocolates with alcohol when breastfeeding.

Alcohol while breastfeeding in the cake

Again, the quantity makes the poison. Sticking with a piece of cake made with alcohol usually won’t harm your baby.

Cooking with alcohol while breastfeeding

Small traces of alcohol in food are generally not a problem when breastfeeding. However, as soon as the food tastes strongly of alcohol, you should better keep your hands off it. Then there is often more than just the obligatory shot of red wine in the sauce.

3. Do I have to express breast milk if I drank alcohol while breastfeeding?

No. In fact, there is a persistent rumor that mothers have to pump their breast milk after drinking alcohol. However, this does not prevent the alcohol from getting to your baby via breast milk. Because a Body continues to produce breast milk containing alcohol even after pumping – until the liver has completely broken down the alcohol in the body.

A notice: As already mentioned, alcohol gets into breast milk via the blood. Accordingly, the alcohol content in breast milk is identical to the alcohol content in blood. Pumping does not accelerate the breakdown of alcohol! Instead, you have to wait until the alcohol in your blood has completely cleared.

Tipp: If you know you want to have a small glass of wine or something similar, you can pump out beforehand. Then you have a breast milk reserve in case your baby gets hungry.

How long do I have to wait to breastfeed after drinking alcohol?

How quickly your body breaks down alcohol depends on various factors. In general, however, you can use the rule of thumb that after a drink containing 10 g of alcohol takes about two hours, until you have no more alcohol in your system. So if you drink 1-2 small glasses of wine totaling 20g of alcohol, you should wait 4 hours to breastfeed afterwards.

4. What consequences can alcohol have for my baby while breastfeeding?

Drinking alcohol while breastfeeding can have a variety of effects on your baby. For one thing, alcohol in breast milk can do that affect your child’s sleep patternsby the Disturbed sleep-wake cycle becomes.

On the other hand, it can happen that babies getting used to the taste of alcohol in breast milkit too suction problems, increased screaming or one lack of weight gain comes. Health effects are also quite conceivable – in the worst case even signs of poisoning.

But alcohol during breastfeeding can not only have negative consequences for your baby – also for you as a mother. Because alcohol is suspected reduce milk production. This is especially true if you drink alcohol regularly and in large quantities while breastfeeding.

5. What should I consider if I want to drink alcohol while breastfeeding?

If there is a special occasion coming up and you would like to toast with a glass of sparkling wine despite breastfeeding, then please note the following:

quietly your baby, before you drink alcohol You may also express some breast milk to have a reserve. Drink just a small glass with alcohol and eat enough in between. Preferably access drinksthe one low alcohol content have. Such as beer, wine or sparkling wine. After drinking alcohol, you should give your baby do not breastfeed for at least 2 to 2.5 hours. Ideally, you should wait long enough to breastfeed your baby until your body has completely eliminated the alcohol has. Alcohol can be detected in breast milk just 30 to 60 minutes after the start of alcohol consumption. If you are drunk, you should not sleep in the same bed with your baby.

A notice: Of course, completely abstaining from alcohol while breastfeeding is the best thing for your baby!

6. Calculator: How long should you not breastfeed after drinking alcohol?

At best, you should avoid breastfeeding until the alcohol in your blood and thus also in your breast milk has been completely broken down. But when is that the case? Unfortunately, there is no general answer to this. Because this is where it comes up individual parameters of the mother on, how about Weight and height. Everyone’s body breaks down alcohol at different rates.

A rule of thumb: On average, between 0.1 and 0.2 per thousand are broken down per kilogram per hour.

To even know how high yours blood alcohol concentration (BAC) after drinking alcohol, you can use special calculators that you can find on the internet – for example here:

But please always remember: These are only average values ​​that can vary from person to person!

7. Recipe: Tiramisu without alcohol for breastfeeding

The delicious recipe fromimplement is not only child’s play, it also does not contain any alcohol or coffee, making it ideal for the whole family.

You need this:

four yolks
a packet vanilla sugar
100 g Zucker
500 g Mascarpone
100 g Cremefine (Vanilla) for whipping two packets Ladyfingers
375 ml Cocoa powderr (mixed with milk) something Baking cocoa

And this is how the children’s tiramisu is made:

In the first step, beat the egg yolks with the vanilla sugar and sugar until fluffy. Now add the mascarpone and the crème fine. Beat everything for a minute until creamy. Pour the drinking cocoa, which has already been mixed with milk, into a casserole dish and strain the ladyfingers. Make sure the cookies are still “dry” on the inside. Place the biscuits in a second casserole dish as the first layer. Put a layer of the cream on top. Another layer with the ladyfingers soaked in cocoa, etc. – until all the ingredients are used up. Important: finish the tiramisu with the cream. Finally, sprinkle about one to two millimeters of baking cocoa on top. Complete! How do you feel about alcohol while breastfeeding? Write us your opinion in the comments.


We look forward to your opinion!x Are you wondering which foods to watch out for while breastfeeding?

Basically, there is nothing that is forbidden for breastfeeding moms. But to be on the safe side, take a look here:

Here you will find even more great tips on the topics of nutrition during pregnancy, breastfeeding and baby nutrition.

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