“despite” not “despite”

by time news

2023-06-29 13:58:50

Despitecon the preposition of, is the appropriate form to write this expression when it is followed by a subordinate clause.

However, it is common to find in the media the variant Despite: “Oil prices fall despite fears of US debt default dissipating” or “He has no intention of lowering the price of his video games despite having been on the market for six years.”

He Panhispanic dictionary of doubts pick up the locution although with the meaning of ‘against someone’s will or desire’ and ‘regardless of the inconvenience of something’ and explains that, when it is followed by a subordinate clause, it is not appropriate to delete the preposition of. This use is considered inappropriate because it is a queísmo.

Thus, the advisable thing in the previous sentences would have been to write “Oil prices fall despite fears of US debt default dissipating” and “He has no intention of lowering the price of his video games despite the fact that they have been going for six years.” in the market”.

In additionremember that the preposition should not be deleted either of in constructions like so that, provided that o if.

See also

although and not even though

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