Prime Minister Bennett warns: We are just before the storm of contagion

by time news

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said this morning (Tuesday) in an interview with Dov Gil-Har on the “This Morning” program here on Net B that “we are just before the contagion storm – on a scale we have not seen in Israel.” Bennett added that according to the isolation policy that is expected to be adopted by the government, vaccinated people will not be required for isolation – even if they are exposed to a verified patient.

Listen to the full interview with Prime Minister Bennett here on Network B.

“The omicron is different from anything we’ve known,” Bennett said in an interview. “It’s very contagious. You see in the world that it breaks all records, in almost all places, so a lot of people will be contagious.” On this he added: “There is a tendency right now to feel ‘end-of-course atmosphere’, but we are not, still dangerous.” Meanwhile, he read: “Asking and expecting parents that just as they defended themselves to protect their children, the vaccines are safe – millions of American children have already been vaccinated with a second vaccine, it’s safe and it works.”

The decision I made to close the skies of Israel to the entry of foreigners brought us a four-week advantage over the rest of the world, even five

Asked if he had failed in his goal of vaccinating 80,000 people a day, the prime minister said: “I will explain something. The public, as long as everything is good outside then it takes its time. The decision I made, of closing the skies of Israel to the entry of foreigners, brought us four weeks of advantage over the rest of the world, even five weeks. While Europe is now at the height of the wave and closures. ”

Bennett flatly rejected the possibility of imposing sanctions on non-vaccination: “I do not believe in imposing fines on people who have not been vaccinated.” But he added: “I am presented with a line that says that those who are vaccinated, even if they are exposed to this or that contact – can continue to function. Those who are not vaccinated – we do not want them exposed, because they endanger themselves. “At work, at school, just go get vaccinated.”

Those who are vaccinated, even if they are exposed to this or that contact, will be able to continue to function. Those who are not vaccinated – we do not want him to be exposed, because he is endangering himself

On the possibility of closure, Bennett said: “My goal from the beginning of the epidemic is to avoid closures as much as possible. I received quite a bit of criticism in the Delta Wave. Know what a day will bring.We will in any case be in a very challenging situation in terms of the capacity of the hospitals,

Bennett declined to say exactly whether a closure was on the table: “I’m just putting in front of my eyes a compass of maximum health and maximum economy. Jobs, small businesses that were hit so hard in previous waves, and we’ll do what’s right. I do not want to make statements because it’s really complicated “.

He further referred to the storm of travel of his wife and children abroad, although he called on the public not to do so: “The Bennett family is acting completely according to the rules. An injustice is being done to Gilat here. “Gilat Bennett and the Bennett family followed exactly the same rules that apply to the Levy family in Rishon Lezion, and to the Cohen family in Modi’in Maccabim-Re’ut, we are subject to the same laws.”

Gilat Bennett and the Bennett family followed exactly the same rules that apply to the Levy family in Rishon Lezion, and to the Cohen family in Modiin Maccabim-Reut, we are subject to the same laws

He also referred to the storm surrounding the opposition’s refusal to settle with isolated Knesset members: “I came to the Knesset today, because Netanyahu dragged me to the Knesset, even though he knows I was in contact with a verified Omikron. Even though he knows it could infect more Knesset workers, more Knesset members.”

He went on to say that he refuses to give up votes: “We must maintain a state. It is impossible every time there is a corona wave to close the state. I can tell you what I would expect. What I would expect is state behavior. When Netanyahu was prime minister, he asked the opposition to refrain. “From the unnecessary gathering of forty-signature speeches, which is basically symbolic – and the opposition responded.”

“Unfortunately, Netanyahu is not revealing the same statehood that Lapid discovered at the time – and sticking will be his responsibility,” the prime minister said. “We really begged him – why do it, why, you might cause an infection. You force me to come. In general, I think this opposition has lost all trace of stateliness. A recent example is that Netanyahu ran with English videos in the international media and attacked the government, Our country. “

He added of Netanyahu: “I expect him not to go around in foreign media or in English-language videos, and start calling Israel Iran, North Korea. But if he does what he does, I can say what we do. We took a country that was dizzying between fourth elections “To the fifths, to the sixths, to the sevenths, in complete paralysis, without a budget, and we put Israel on a very good path.”

The Prime Minister also referred to the Iranian threat and to the interview of the Air Force Commander in which he said that he could destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities: “I very much appreciate the incoming Air Force commander and the IDF commanders in general. I suggest we all stand by the rule of saying little and doing a lot. “

He went on to say: “We have built a very robust strategy to deal with the Iranian danger, not only nuclear but also with the fact that Iran has surrounded Israel for 30 years in a kind of rocket ring, and in the last decade has allowed Hezbollah to arm itself with over 100,000 rockets. We need this business to roll back, they have nothing to look for here. At the same time, we need to prevent Iran from reaching or breaking into nuclear weapons permanently. “

We need to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons permanently

“Unequivocally, we are not a party to the agreement in Vienna if it happens,” Bennett said. “Look, I can tell you that we have a very good relationship with the American administration. The Americans are responding without a problem – it was Pike News. I rescued Israel from where we were called a ‘partisan.’ We were a one-party state, and we returned Israel to a party supported “By the Democrats and the Republicans. Having said that, we do not always agree with United States policies and sometimes there is disagreement.”

The Prime Minister referred to the American desire to establish a consulate in Jerusalem that would serve the Palestinian population: “I made it very clear but not in a confrontational way that Israel has a beer, it is called Jerusalem, it is only the capital of the State of Israel. It is not the capital of another country. Therefore, there is no place for a Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem. There are two approaches – there is an attitude of our predecessors, of the Likudniks, and lately it is not the Likud that once was, the attitude that is stinging, that seeks to quarrel. My approach is a quieter approach, which seeks to bring a result and I prefer the result so things are said.

He also referred to the conflicts in the coalition around the Electricity Law: “This is a very complex government. There are eight parties in the coalition, parties on the left, right, Jews, Arabs, it is complex. But as a person who sat in many governments, “I have seen governments – without competition this is the most effective government I have been in. I’m not sure I’m objective but”.

When asked about the law, which does not appear in the coalition agreement, blackmailed by Bennett, the prime minister replied: “Absolutely not. I want to explain something – Bibi paved the way for cooperation with RAAM. After all, he has met Mansour Abbas countless times. Mansour Abbas is making an unprecedented move here, very brave and very difficult – he recognizes the State of Israel as a Jewish state.

The Prime Minister was also asked about the meeting of MK Ma’aram Mazen Ghanaim with Raed Salah: “It is very serious. The question is what are we focusing on. Are we really focusing on addressing the cost of housing in Israel, which stems from the fact that a decade has not been built here enough, or do we want to quarrel. Do we choose to focus on promoting neglected public transportation, and treating the Arab population that has been neglected and exploded for us in the “Wall Guard.” Or do or quarrel. I prefer that we do, I think the citizens of Israel very much want this normal calm line that has not been here for years.

Bennett was also asked about the evacuation of the yeshiva in Chumash, as opposed to the non-evacuation of the illegal village of Khan al-Ahmar: “First of all, I share the grief of the Dimentman family. “When I was in opposition. I do not remember Smutrich making an issue of it, but the meeting now has not been evacuated.” On Khan al-Ahmar he said: “We are currently also in this area working quietly trying to formulate some kind of move.”

The yeshiva has been evacuated several times over the years, I think the last time in the Netanyahu-Smutrich government, when I was in opposition. I do not remember Smutrich making a fuss about it

“The government will spend its days,” Bennett promised. “I strongly believe in the government, but I must say it depends on its members as well. If the Knesset members look at the big picture of all the wonderful things we do and do not go into small corners – I am very optimistic. “He went on to say that he pledges to fully maintain the rotation: all included. When you go on a move like this you have to believe in it and I believe in the course. “

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