an institution based on solidarity and equity

by time news

2023-06-28 18:24:00

The Social Welfare Fund for Health Professionals of Córdoba (CPSPS) is an organization that was born with the sanction in the Córdoba Legislature of Law 4,641, of 1959, leaving the following professions under its protection: Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Dentistry, Kinesiology and Physiotherapy, Veterinary Medicine, Biochemistry, Psychology and Obstetrics.

This fund is a non-state public law entity, to which the provincial state, through Law 8,577, delegates its administration to professionals. The end is intergenerational solidarity, and it is a genuine and effective system. This supports the most significant quality of the Fund: its responsible solidarity, without pursuing profit and income. It is an institution of all and for all.

Its board of directors is made up of five members: four are for active members and one for retirees, a trustee of the Province, an actuary, and the highest body that is the Assembly of Delegates.

Its objective is to protect the retirement funds of the contributors, with financial and economic autonomy, it is also administered by the health professionals themselves, based on the principles of solidarity and equity.

Currently, we are going through a complex scenario of increasing longevity, increased life expectancy, added to the uncertain future that our professional, social and family life holds for us.

It happens that it is very difficult for us to understand the action of disposing of a sum of money today that meets the needs that we will have in the future, much less if it is managed by an entity outside our control.

To this is added the most important thing, the solidarity spirit of the contributors so that current retirees and pensioners can enjoy their credit. Lacks and job insecurity Undoubtedly, it is one of the most sensitive current issues that throws us the most critical question: Why is it so difficult to pay contributions to health professionals?

From the Fund, we accompany the professional life of the contributors with numerous benefits and subsidies, but, in addition, we are convinced that the problem of non-compliance and delay in social security obligations is related to the level of income.

Although the mission of the CPSPS is to guard and manage the contributions and retirements of health professionals, its directory has all the tools at its disposal to contain each person who is going through complex situations from work, social and health.

Recreational, social and cultural workshops The Social Welfare Fund for Health Professionals of Córdoba continues with its cycle of conferences and free online workshops, which seek to contain, entertain and train its active and retired members. The offer of workshops is varied, and ranges from learning languages ​​such as English and Italian, dances and rhythms, tango, computing, theater, cognitive stimulation, yoga, writing, among others.

The objective is to promote the entertainment, recreation and support of retirees, pensioners and active members of the institution. It has references in Córdoba Capital, Río Cuarto, Villa María, Bell Ville, Carlos Paz and Traslasierra (Villa Dolores and Mina Clavero).

In addition to face-to-face workshops in the main cities, La Caja has a wide variety through the Zoom virtual platform. Adding up the entire province, more than 800 affiliates use the workshops.

Everything you need to know about the Córdoba health system and the Social Welfare Fund for Health Professionals. (Photo: Freepik)

The board of La Caja approved the call for art and culture exhibitions that will take place from August to the end of September, at Pueyrredón 173, 6th floor, Córdoba Capital.

The initiative is carried out by the recently formed CPSPS Retirees Work Group, which aims to show the art and works carried out by active and retired health professionals themselves.

For this reason, all active and retired members with artistic abilities of all kinds are invited and summoned to register to exhibit their works and present their expressions of the different variants of art.

The registration deadline is July 15 and can be done at number 3544 615936 with Lilia Spedaletti, member of the Health Fund.

#institution #based #solidarity #equity

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