The Rise of Health Data Tracking: Optimizing Personal Health or Generating Incorrect Conclusions?

by time news

2023-06-28 11:19:00

As more and more people track their own health data, the need for optimization is increasing. Incorrect conclusions can be the result

Duration of sleep, movement, heart rate, calorie consumption or blood pressure: many different ones can now be used health data can be measured and analyzed. Whether with a mobile phone, a watch or a ring: A digital health record is easy to create. But can we really keep optimizing ourselves?

Fitness watches and trackers: One in five uses wearables

The Stress Report Germany from 2019 made it clear once again: Man is not a machine. But now many people check themselves as if they were a machine: one in five uses so-called wearables, according to a survey by the IT industry association Bitkom. Most rely on it Fitness bracelets (18%), on smartphones with corresponding apps (13%) and on watches (6%). At the same time, there are now even rings that are worn throughout the day and collect the data.

Many industry experts assume that in a few years almost all of us will have the opportunity to collect our own health data. Most people evaluate these for themselves and conclude individual conclusions. For example, sleep is optimized by falling asleep earlier or physical activity is increased. But all of this data could also merged into an electronic patient file become. Your own tracking is supplemented and enriched with medical data. However, it is not yet possible to say how reliable these values ​​are.

Many people are willing to share the data with their health insurance company in return a premium or a better adapted treatment to get. At the same time, the health insurance companies can draw conclusions from this and the contribution could even be adjusted individually depending on the state of health. To do this, however, it would have to be ensured that the trackers actually measure precisely.

Benefits of fitness trackers

Fitness trackers can measure a wide variety of data, such as hours slept, steps taken, calorie consumption or heart rate. Usually there is a suitable app for the devices, to which the data is transmitted. In many apps you can also set individual goals and further specify and evaluate the data by entering body weight, height and gender.

The Body awareness is said to improve, while bad habits are reduced at the same time become. In particular, the trackers can serve as a motivational aid for more sport. Anyone who is shown the distance covered or calories burned after jogging is encouraged to improve their own performance next time. By the Share on social networks and comparison with other people stimulates motivation even further.

At the same time, the operation is intuitive and uncomplicated and the transfer to the smartphone is automatic. The wearables are too for pre-existing conditions or for prevention can be used sensibly: high blood pressure or an increased heart rate are detected at an early stage, which is useful information for people with heart disease, for example.

Cons: Concern about false readings

The disadvantage is that a long-term Compulsion to self-optimization could develop. Minimizing bad habits makes sense in general, but we should still act individually according to our whim and individual circumstances and not force ourselves to Having to exercise or stick to a certain sleep schedule, just so the values ​​are good. In addition, incorrect measured values, incorrect advice and data abuse are feared.

The own Health data is very sensitive and should not simply be sold, for example to health insurance companies. However, you often agree to the use by third parties by using the app. Likewise, the advice that apps give based on the collected data is not always advisable from a medical point of view. Eventually most became Apps launched by programmers without medical expertise.

For example, apps can remind you of medication or check for intolerances However, the recommendation itself should not be left to an app. You should also refrain from the pressure of self-optimization and not overinterpret the values ​​you have measured yourself.


Health tracking can be used sensibly in your own everyday life if you are not compulsively trying to optimize yourself. Distances run, hours slept or calories burned provide a good overview. However, the values ​​are not always precise and you should also clarify recommendations for action with a doctor.

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