Third night of violence in France, more than 400 arrests

by time news

2023-06-30 05:10:52

The “generalization” of violence feared by the intelligence services has indeed taken place. Damage to public buildings, looting and sporadic scuffles shook many cities in the Paris region and in the provinces for the third consecutive night on Thursday after the death on Tuesday in Nanterre of Nahel, a 17-year-old minor killed by a police officer who was put in examination and imprisoned for intentional homicide.

To stem this conflagration of working-class neighborhoods, the authorities had mobilized 40,000 police and gendarmes, as well as elite intervention units such as the Raid (police) and its black armored vehicles or the National Gendarmerie Intervention Group (GIGN). ), deployed in several cities.

More than 400 arrests, mainly of minors

Despite this massive deployment and nightly curfews, violence and damage were reported Thursday evening in multiple cities. Around 3:00 a.m., at least 421 people were arrested at the national level, according to the entourage of Gérald Darmanin, whose “most” are between 14 and 18 years old. More than half (245) took place in Paris and in the inner suburbs

“There is no very violent confrontation in direct contact with the police, but there are a number of vandalized stores, looted or even burned businesses”, detailed a senior police officer. national.

This was the case in the heart of Paris, at Les Halles and in the rue de Rivoli which leads to the Louvre, but also in the Parisian suburbs, in the urban area of ​​Rouen, in Nantes and in Brest, where the sub-prefect Jean- Philippe Setbon described to AFP “a lot of clashes between police and small very mobile groups”. A tobacconist was notably set on fire, and the storefront of a Lidl forced into the ram car.

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Municipal library damaged in Marseille

Like the day before, the police were also targeted, trash cans, cars and buses burned, in particular in Villeurbanne (Rhône), noted AFP journalists, or in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis ).

Again, public buildings were also targeted by groups often hooded or hidden under hoods, such as the town hall of the priority district of Argon in Orléans. “The police office located at the Laherrère pole in Pau” was for example targeted by a molotov cocktail, according to the prefecture of Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

In the city center of Marseille, it is the storefront of the municipal library of the Alcazar which was damaged which was broken, with smoke bombs launched in the hall. But there was no fire in the building, contrary to false information on social networks.

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A few cables away, on the Old Port, scuffles opposed the police to a group of 100 to 150 people who tried to set up barricades.

Firework rockets in Nanterre

In Seine-Saint-Denis, “almost all the municipalities” were affected, often lightning actions, many public buildings targeted such as the town hall of Clichy-sous-Bois and shops looted, according to a police source. “The protection of public buildings has been the priority,” conceded a local source.

In Nanterre, the Hauts-de-Seine prefecture that has become the epicenter of the violence, fireworks and grenades exploded in the popular district of Pablo Picasso where the killed teenager lived, according to an AFP journalist.

The Research and Intervention Brigade (BRI) of the Paris police headquarters deployed for a moment at the entrance to the city and its famous cloud towers, supported in the sky by a helicopter.

It was from Nanterre that a “white march” in memory of Nahel left in the afternoon which brought together 6,200 participants, according to the police headquarters, to cries of “justice for Nahel” and “never again. “. The march ended in confusion with clashes. Street furniture was destroyed, cars burned and the Resistance and Deportation monument was damaged.

“I don’t blame the police, I blame a person, the one who took my son’s life,” said the victim’s mother, Mounia M., on the show’s microphone. It’s up to you on France 5.

Police officer charged with intentional homicide

Since Nahel’s death on Tuesday, schools and public buildings have been the target of the anger of young residents of working-class neighborhoods and set on fire in multiple cities in France, recalling the riots that engulfed France in 2005 after the death of two youths pursued by the police. “Scenes of violence” against “institutions and the Republic” which are “unjustifiable”, castigated Emmanuel Macron.

The tragedy at the origin of the conflagration occurred near the Nanterre-Préfecture RER station, during a police check on the car driven by Nahel, a minor known for refusing to comply. “The prosecution considers that the legal conditions for the use of the weapon” by the police officer who fired “are not met”, declared Thursday morning the public prosecutor of Nanterre, Pascal Prache. This 38-year-old policeman was indicted for intentional homicide and placed in pre-trial detention in the afternoon.

#night #violence #France #arrests

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