How to have 100% renewable energy at home?

by time news

2023-06-30 06:30:00

The energy transition It is one of the main challenges facing the world in the coming years. Consume renewable and clean energy such as photovoltaics is a necessary model change to abandon dependence on fossil fuels, reduce CO₂ emissions with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality and, ultimately, one of the most necessary actions to that the global increase in temperatures does not exceed 2 degrees during this century, as agreed in the 2015 Paris Agreements.

But the energy transition is also a commitment to society to democratize access to fairer energy and in which the consumer also has an active role in its production. According to the last Survey of life conditions of the Institute of Statistics of Catalonia (IDESCAT), energy poverty reached 19% of Catalan households in 2022, coinciding with the escalation of energy prices. A model based on clean energy consumption could help combat this situation.

In this sense, in Catalonia there are options responsible with the environment and also committed to society. Bassols Energy, is one of those cases. A free market trader that works only with energy of 100% green origin such as photovoltaics.

More than 100 years committed to the origin of energy

This company was born in the year 2000 with the liberalization of the electricity sectoralthough it originates from a group born in the Garrotxa in 1905. At the beginning of its activity, this company distributed the energy produced in the Molino Nuevo de Argelaguer hydroelectric plantlocated in the Banyoles area and which followed the course of the River Fluvià. In other words, 100 years before concepts such as the energy transition were born, Bassols Energía had already committed to a model in which energy from renewable sources was the pillar.

This model hasn’t budged one bit. Currently, Bassols Energía is one of the companies in the electricity sector in Catalonia most committed to expansion of clean energy useBeing the 100% of what they sell. Always with a model established in the territory and that puts the consumer at the center, offering him what he really needs.

Solar energy and self-consumption: the most sustainable option

Solar energy has positioned itself in recent years as one of the most efficient solutions for accelerate the energy transition. And photovoltaic self-consumption, in addition, in a more democratic consumption model in which the consumer ceases to be a passive subject and intervenes in the generation of energy. A system that also maximizes savings on the electricity bill and guarantees independence. The year 2022 closed in Spain with 220,000 homes and 23,000 companies with facilities of this type.

Bassols Energy has always opted for this model, offering homes and companies the best solutions and taking care of all necessary procedures. But if something stands out about the service offered by the Catalan company, it is, without a doubt, its constant commitment to developing pioneering products for the energy transition and always aimed at the well-being of the end customer, such as he Solar Wallet o to Virtual Drums.

What is a Solar Wallet?

He Solar Wallet It is a rate aimed at the customer with self-consumption, which allows optimize to the maximum the surplus energy produced by the solar panels. To have one, you must have a self-consumption facility with surplus compensation. These are injected into the electrical grid and the company compensates it by accumulating an economic value in the Solar Wallet, at the highest market value, 0.13 cents/kW.

Subsequently, the client can offset the bill of a second home o accumulate them for the following months, without expiration. This system has unlimited capacity and no management fees, among others. A revolutionary solution, since it changes the traditional model of consumption.

Bassols Energía and its commitment to society

Solidarity is another of the pillars of Bassols Energía. the company is committed to combating energy poverty. First, they offer fair priced rates with no strings attached. But, in addition, they help the most vulnerable customers to access all the available aid against energy poverty, such as the electricity social bond.

Beyond the specific aid against this social phenomenon, the company also shows its roots in the territory through agreements with social associations. In the case of La Garrotxa, it has agreements with the Conception Juvanteny FoundationFor example, in projects such as foster care or the AIDA unit, which helps victims of mistreatment and sexual abuse, among others.

Do you want to contribute your grain of sand by betting on a committed energy consumption model?

#renewable #energy #home

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