online resources”| Daily Listin

by time news

2023-06-30 08:38:47

From the outside you can only see the long days that the teachers spend in the classrooms teaching classes, but behind it there are also hours of planning. Thanks to technology, there are online tools to make this process efficient because teachers are also eternal learners.


One of the main web pages of the moment that provides resources and tools to help teachers plan their classes, and available for Latin America and the Caribbean is Ubicua Education (

This platform offers close to 30 asynchronous, short courses in Spanish, with practical simulations and available at all times so that teachers can learn at their own pace.

Some of the courses that provide resources to help teachers plan their lessons are:

• Tools for managing an inclusive classroom.

• Organize and monitor a course.

• Design and construction of interactive games.

• Creation and management of multidisciplinary teams.

• Organize study plans and content.

• Scheduling and management of meetings.

• Creation of an interactive book of practical exercises.

• Creation and design of evaluation questionnaires.

All these courses are available for free through the Ubicua portal, and include an e-book with support material and a downloadable digital certificate, if they are satisfactorily completed.


Another example is the Colombian company Skalo (facilitates and promotes the management of diversity in the classroom. The platform provides real-time data that will help teachers in making curricular decisions. In addition, they have a personalized adjustment plan and strategies that positively impacts the journey or learning path of each student.It is paid.


One option to provide classroom techniques or learning methodology is Swarmob (a learning management web platform that facilitates school adoption using project-based learning methodology.

Teachers organize pedagogical challenges in work teams, articulating their subjects around learning routes and digital activities that guide their students’ projects. In this way, teachers and students teach and learn through the creation of projects with a social and environmental impact. It is paid.

healthy mind

Digital tools are not only limited to methodology and planning, there are portals that are only dedicated to the mental and emotional health of teachers because healthy teachers, healthy classrooms.

This list is headed by the Mental Health Foundation ( it is an organization based in the United Kingdom that has a specific section for education professionals on its website. They offer resources related to mental health, including practical advice, guides and free publications.

The Canadian company 1Mentor ( is an organization that works with educational institutions, equipping them with recommendations based on data of skills, tools and knowledge required by the industry with the intention of improving their programs and the career guidance of students. 1Mentor is paid.

The Internet offers a world of possibilities that will help students improve their learning. Courtesy

#online #resources #Daily #Listin

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