A platform for patients, caregivers and clinicians that facilitates research on multiple myeloma – time.news

by time news

2023-06-30 12:26:18

by Health Editor

Scientific research in recent years has made significant progress against this blood cancer of which about 5,600 new cases are diagnosed in Italy. Participate in trials

Multiple myeloma is a hematological neoplasm with which 30,000 patients live in Italy today and, in our country, there are 5,600 new diagnoses every year with a higher incidence in people over 65. This tumor affects plasma cells, a type of white blood cell, which, as it grows in an uncontrolled manner, they prevent the correct growth of other blood cells produced by the bone marrow, such as red blood cells, platelets and other biological units of our immune system. This leads to conditions such as anemia (shortage of red blood cells), blood disorders, infections and bone injuries. With the intention of answering the doubts of patients and their families, the CURAMy website was created, a dedicated space where you can find the main clinical studies conducted in Italy, the latest news on this blood cancer, updates from clinical research, useful information on the studies active, as well as on the Experimental Centers present in the area.

Healing goal still to be achieved

Scientific research in recent years has made it possible to develop a multiplicity of new highly effective treatments which are reflected in a progressive increase in life expectancy and more and more cases of chronicity. Today’s patients can enjoy extended periods of time free from disease symptoms and a better quality of life. Research into multiple myeloma is active and has yielded important results, but there is still a lot to do to achieve the goal of healing – says Vittorio Montefusco, hematologist of the Complex Structure of Hematology of the ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo of Milan, scientific director of the CURAMy project and its first creator —. necessary to continue with research, evaluating the new therapeutic options available and offering our patients highly innovative treatments. For this reason, it is advisable to make all possible efforts to improve clinical research in Italy and facilitate patient access to new treatments. Participating in trials can be important because they offer the possibility of accessing innovative therapies first, in the hope that they will prove to be more effective than previous ones.

Share information

The CURAMy platform, developed with the Working Group of the European Myeloma Network (EMN) Italy, is aimed at patients, caregivers and clinicians, to also facilitate the collection of suitable candidates for protocols in scientific research on multiple myeloma in Italy. Mario Boccadoro, president of EMN Italy and vice president of the European EMN network, recalls: Clinical research is a very complex reality. The number of trials is large, the Centers involved are not easily identifiable and the inclusion criteria are different, making it difficult for both patients and doctors to orient themselves. Sharing information easily through this application I believe will really help patients find a study that fits their clinical characteristics and significantly improve enrollment in clinical trials. In this regard Felice Bombaci, national coordinator of AIL Patient Groups, underlines: When the patient receives a diagnosis of multiple myeloma he very often feels disoriented and unable to identify active clinical studies in Italy similar to his medical condition. CURAMy, thanks to information certified by leading experts in the field, will be a concrete response to this need for patients and caregivers, who can easily be directed towards the opportunities that research offers them, with particular benefits for young people.

June 30, 2023 (change June 30, 2023 | 12:26)

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