Initiatives of the “Nicola Irti Foundation” for charitable and cultural works –

by time news

2023-06-30 13:43:33

This year’s annual prize for «Theory and Technique of Medicine» is dedicated to infectious diseases. Applications can be sent to the Foundation by 30 September 2023

The Nicola Irti Foundation for works of charity and culture is inspired by the noble and generous ideals of the lawyer Nicola Irti, who died in 2017. It was established by his parents in his memory. In recent years, in addition to supporting re-education activities in prison through the organization of cycles of meetings, theatrical and musical performances and sports activities, the Foundation has also turned its attention to the medical-health sector by financing initiatives to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and promoting research projects against some diseases for which there is still no cure. To give just a few examples, in 2020 a research project against ALS was financed conducted by the Biomedical Campus of Rome and the Auxological Institute of Milan, which led to very interesting and promising acquisitions, and a generous donation was made to favor of the Gemelli Polyclinic of Rome for the conversion of the Columbus unit into a regional Covid Hospital and for the creation of the «Covid-19» research unit. To support and promote medical activity and research in a non-episodic way, but with a structured and constant commitment, the Foundation has decided to announce, starting from 2023, an annual award of “Theory and technique of Medicine”, of the amount of 40,000 euros, to be allocated to scholars and scholars who have validly contributed to the study, research, applications in the medical field in a sector identified from time to time in the announcement of the competition. The Award is accompanied by a scholarship, amounting to 10,000 euros, intended for a young collaborator, aged no more than 35, who has participated in the research and applications carried out by the winner of the Award. The prize will be awarded by a commission made up of seven members and made up of the deans of the Faculties of Medicine of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, the Campus Bio-Medico University, the «Tor Vergata» University, and the «La Sapienza» University. » of Rome and by three members, including the president, designated by the Foundation. For the year 2023, the award will concern the sector «Theory and technology of medicine in infectious diseases». Applications to participate must be sent to the Foundation by 30 September 2023. The commission will meet in good time for the award ceremony to take place by 31 December 2023. On the Foundation website the regulation and the announcement of the Prize for 2023 are available. The intent is to promote medical culture and to bestow recognition on the career of personalities who have contributed to the development of knowledge and techniques in the area of ​​medical sciences, but also to enhance the professionalism, passion and commitment of young talents, thus trying to help counter the phenomenon of migration abroad of Italian graduates and, at the same time, to offer opportunities capable of attracting deserving young foreigners . The presence in the judging commission of the deans of the Roman medical faculties connected to public hospitals and private polyclinics is aimed at guaranteeing the active involvement of the university world, research and medical clinics, in a translational perspective, as a bridge between research and therapy.

June 30, 2023 (change June 30, 2023 | 1:43 pm)

#Initiatives #Nicola #Irti #Foundation #charitable #cultural #works

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