The Trial of Kevin Spacey: Prosecutor Details Actor’s Alleged Sexual Assaults

by time news

Kevin Spacey Faces Trial in London for Multiple Sexual Assault Charges

In a British courtroom on Friday, prosecutor Christine Agnew described actor Kevin Spacey as a “sexual bully” who derives pleasure from making others feel powerless and uncomfortable. Spacey, who is an Academy Award-winning actor, is currently on trial in London facing multiple charges of sexual assault.

Agnew outlined her case against Spacey at Southwark Crown Court, stating that his “preferred method” of assault was forcefully grabbing other men in the crotch. She also revealed that on one occasion, Spacey had gone as far as performing oral sex on a man while he was asleep. Agnew further accused the actor of abusing the power and influence his fame provided him with to take whoever he wanted, whenever he wanted.

The 63-year-old actor has pleaded not guilty to all charges. He faces 12 charges related to incidents involving four different men, allegedly occurring between 2001 and 2013. During much of this period, Spacey served as the artistic director of the Old Vic theater in London.

Agnew explained that among the complainants are an aspiring actor and a man whom Spacey had met at a work event. In accordance with British law, it is illegal to identify the complainants in sexual assault cases or publish any information that may lead to their identification.

Patrick Gibbs, Spacey’s legal representative, offered a short statement emphasizing his client’s innocence. He claimed that the jury would hear half-truths, deliberate exaggerations, and numerous falsehoods. Gibbs urged the jury to carefully consider the motivations of the complainants and question whether the encounters could be reasonably interpreted as consensual at the time they occurred.

Agnew’s statement included details about each complainant’s specific accusations. She stated that three individuals informed the police that Spacey had forcefully grabbed their crotches, while another complained that the actor repeatedly placed the man’s hands on his own crotch.

Agnew also discussed interviews in which Spacey gave statements to the British police under caution. During one of these interviews, he admitted that it was “entirely possible and indeed likely” that he had made “a clumsy pass” at other men. However, Spacey insisted that he would never touch someone’s crotch without clear consent.

Throughout Agnew’s nearly 60-minute opening statement, Spacey sat in a large transparent box in the middle of the courtroom, dressed in a light gray suit, white shirt, and gold tie. He attentively watched the proceedings, occasionally examining photographs in an evidence bundle. When Gibbs addressed the jury, Spacey nodded in agreement while maintaining eye contact with the panel.

The morning session concluded shortly after Gibbs’s remarks. The prosecution is expected to call its first witnesses when the trial resumes on Monday.

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