Emmanuel Macron announces “additional means” to deal with the riots, calls “parents to responsibility” and social networks to collaboration

by time news

2023-06-30 14:38:45

Emmanuel Macron “calls all parents to responsibility” at the conclusion of the government crisis meeting

The President of the Republic spoke on Friday afternoon at the end of the crisis meeting organized at the Ministry of the Interior. “It is the parents’ responsibility to keep them at home, and therefore it is important for everyone’s peace of mind that parental responsibility can be fully exercised. I appeal to the sense of responsibility of mothers and fathers of families. The Republic is not intended to replace them.declared in particular the Head of State, after condemning “with the greatest firmness all those who use this situation and this moment to try to create disorder and attack our institutions”.

Mr. Macron then announced that Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, was going to deploy additional resources, that Eric Dupond-Moretti, Minister of Justice, was going to issue circulars “targeting both adults and minors who have been arrested and who will be brought to justice in the coming hours”. Several festive events and gatherings have been canceled, he added without going into details of the measures taken in this regard.

The president then considered that the platforms and social networks “play a considerable role in the movements of the last days” : “We have seen on several of them, Snapchat, TikTok, and several others at the same time, the organization of violent rallies taking place, but a form of mimicry of violence, which, among the youngest, leads to a form of exit from reality. And we sometimes have the feeling that some of them live on the street from the video games that have intoxicated them. »

Mr. Macron said that state services would ask the platforms mentioned to withdraw “the most sensitive content” and appealed to their ” responsibility “as well as their collaboration in tracing the identity of those “who use these social networks to call for disorder or to exacerbate violence”.

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