Steven Spielberg – The village idiot

by time news

A small 8mm camera, an American child of only seven, parents and family as actors, a house as a set, everything is ready to shoot small films by a prodigious little director, Steven Spielberg.

Apparently Steven already has clear ideas about what he wants to do when he grows up and immediately gets to work. He is just eleven and signs his first short film: two trains that collide in a tragic way.

But tragic, in some way, is also his childhood. Bullied by his peers because he is Jewish, he is afraid to go to school because they threaten him and yell at him: “Dirty Jew!“He feels marginalized as well as alone, because of his father who is always far away and therefore absent.

The difficulties are also present in reading: for two years he cannot read and is ashamed to do it in front of the class, he cannot understand what is different from the others. Only when he grows up does he discover that he suffers from dyslexia. He takes refuge behind a camera, his escape route, among terrifying sharks, dinosaurs, time travel, explorers and sweet extraterrestrials. Who does not remember the young Elliot who flies on his bicycle with E.T. sitting on the basket?

His career began in 1971 with a film that became a cult among cinema lovers, “Duel“, a high-tension film that manages to shoot in just thirteen days, practically an absolute record. From that moment the success begins with films like” The Jaws “,” Close Encounters of the Third Kind “,” ET the extra terrestrial ” , “Jurassic Park“.

In 1993 he made the film that made him win theOscar, which definitively places him at the top of Hollywood cinema, “Schindler’s List“, the story of a German businessman who saves over a thousand Jews from Nazi extermination. From this film Spielberg does not take even a dollar: he declares in an interview that those are bloody money, so he uses them to found an organization dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust.

Many curiosities are told about this man: one of these who never shows up to shoot the last scene of his films. It is a superstitious ritual born during the filming “The shark”, For fear that the crew, at the end of the film, would throw it into the water.

Also this time we have known the life of a man who from “village idiot” has become a “genius of the world”.

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