US Reports Seven Deaths from Fungal Meningitis Outbreak Linked to Mexican Surgeries: CDC

by time news

Three More Deaths in US Linked to Contaminated Surgeries in Mexico

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported three additional deaths from fungal meningitis in the United States, bringing the total number of fatalities to seven. The outbreak has been linked to tainted surgeries that took place in Mexico. Currently, the total number of cases remains the same as the previous update, with 34 cases in the US: nine confirmed, ten probable, and 15 suspected. Health officials are now investigating 161 other individuals who may have been exposed to the contaminated surgeries.

The outbreak is associated with cosmetic surgeries that involved epidural anesthesia at two clinics in Matamoros, Mexico, situated near Brownsville, Texas. Both Mexican and US officials believe that a component of the anesthetic used during the surgeries was contaminated, leading to the direct injection of the pathogenic fungus Fusarium solani into individuals’ spinal cords. The tainted surgeries are believed to have taken place between January 1, 2023, and May 13, 2023, during which time the clinics were shut down by local health authorities.

In an interview earlier this month, Dr. Tom Chiller, Chief of the Mycotic Diseases Branch for the CDC, stated that Mexican officials suspect the culprit to be morphine used in the epidural. Due to the current scarcity of morphine in Mexico, it is possible that gray- or black-market drugs were used during the surgeries. Another potential cause could be poor hygiene practices among the anesthesiologists. In Mexico, anesthesiologists procure their own medications instead of using clinic or hospital stores, making it challenging to trace the specific drugs involved in the outbreak cases.

Fungal meningitis is difficult to diagnose and treat, as tests often fail to detect the genetic traces of the fungus in the spinal fluid. The fungus can infiltrate the tissues and wedge itself into the meninges and brain, remaining dormant for weeks or even months before suddenly becoming active. Cases in the current outbreak have displayed symptoms as late as 102 days after a contaminated surgery.

The CDC is strongly advising individuals who had procedures at either the River Side Surgical Center or Clinica K-3 in Mexico between January 1 and May 13, 2023, to seek immediate medical care, even if they do not exhibit any symptoms of infection. Healthcare providers are encouraged to conduct lumbar punctures on anyone exposed to the contaminated surgeries to identify signs of infection.

Symptoms of fungal meningitis can include fever, headache, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, and confusion. It is crucial for those affected to seek prompt medical attention to prevent further complications and potential fatalities.

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