Simulate what your retirement will be like before and ask the INSS

by time news

2023-06-30 02:20:00


Simulate what your retirement will be like before and ask the INSS The government’s proposal for pension reform, currently under discussion in the National Congress, points to a series of changes in the rules for granting social security benefits. Among the novelties announced, the value of retirement is one of the items that most concern workers who contribute to social security.

In this article, we will show you how the new method of calculating the retirement amount will look like. Check out!

Retirement value: new rules

If the proposed constitutional amendment (PEC) presented by the Executive Branch is approved, the calculation of the retirement amount will undergo drastic changes. In the proposed parameters, the benefit would correspond to 60% of the average for those who have 20 years of contribution and 2% per year beyond 20 years.

Under the current rule, the contribution salary is calculated based on the average of the 80% highest salary of the taxpayer. The new form of calculation would take into account the simple average of all wages. In both cases, contributions made from July 1994 are considered.

Taking as an example the case of an insured person who has 31 years of contribution would retire with 82% of the average.

Thus, to guarantee the right to full retirement, the insured person would have to contribute to social security for 49 years.

In the case of disability retirement, if it is due to work, you will receive 100% of your average contributions. Now, if it has nothing to do with work, the value will be 60% of the average + 2% each beyond the 20 years of contribution.

Minimum age and contribution time

The pension reform provides for a minimum age of 65 years for men and 62 years for women for retirement with at least 20 years of contribution. Under the current rule, retirement due to urban age can be claimed by men aged 65 and women aged 60, with a grace period of 180 months (15 years) of contribution.

Another form of retirement in effect is retirement based on contribution time, with no minimum age, which can be obtained by fulfilling one of the following requirements, in addition to the grace period:

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30 years of contribution for women and 35 years for men;

86 points for women and 96 points for men, within the 85/95 rule, which takes into account the sum of age plus contribution time and eliminates the mandatory incidence of the social security factor.

The proposal provides for a transitional rule that allows retirement before the minimum age.

In this case there are three transition rules:

Sum of points. To retire, the insured person would have to have 86 points if a woman and 96 points if a man. Example: woman with 54 years of age and 32 years of contribution. In 2020, the requirement would be 87/97 points and thus increase by one point per year.

Minimum age. In this case, already this year the woman would have to be 56 years old and the man 61 to be able to retire. The age would increase by six months each year until reaching 62 years for women and 65 years for men. For example, in 2020, the age for women to retire would be 56 and a half years, in 2021, 57 years.

Toll. In this case, for those who still have 2 years left to retire, they would have to comply with the “toll” of 50% more. Example: if a woman has 28 years of contribution on the date of the Constitutional Amendment, she would have to complete 31 years of contribution.

For those who adhered to the transition, however, the retirement amount would be calculated based on the new rule. There would be an exception for cases in which there was an acquired right, that is, in which the insured already had the necessary conditions to retire at the beginning of the effectiveness of the changes.

In the case of special retirement, the pension reform intends to tighten the rules. The benefit would cease to exist for teachers and, in cases of exposure to harmful agents, the minimum age of 60 (sixty) years would be established. There would be no transition rule. Source: Patricia Wurfel

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