Violence spreads and intensifies on the streets of France despite restrictions

by time news

2023-06-30 21:03:00

In just one night, 875 arrests were recorded, mostly minors.

30 jun 2023 . Updated at 9:27 p.m.

Despite the government’s wishes — the Home Secretary said the thugs were going to back off — the reality is that riots have spread to many cities in France since the death of Nahel, the 17-year-old shot down by police on Tuesday in Nanterre for refusing to stop the car he was driving. The acts and the level of violence have multiplied: just on the night from Thursday to Friday, half a thousand public buildings —schools, town halls, police stations…— suffered attacks or were the target of Molotov cocktails, and many young people participated in the looting of shops. The night ended with 875 arrests, mostly minors between 14 and 18 years of age..

Given the seriousness of the events, Emmanuel Macron had to leave his stay in Brussels early, where he was participating in the European summit. Back home, he chaired a crisis cell at the end of which he announced a series of additional measures, although without specifying them, to deal with the violence generated in the streets of numerous cities by the death of Nahel. The Government yesterday asked the prefects not to circulate any bus or tram throughout France after 9 pm, they canceled numerous events and festivals scheduled for this Friday night and throughout the weekend, and announced the deployment of armored vehicles of the gendarmerie to deal with violence.

Macron asks parents for responsibility so that their children do not participate in the riots that affect France

The voice

On the other hand, Macron condemned the unacceptable instrumentalization of the death of a teenager, above all, by all those who use this situation to try to create disorder and attack French institutions, he specified.

In addition, he took the opportunity to launch a call for parental responsibility because among the organized, violent and well-equipped groups, there were also many young people, some very young, and the Republic does not have the vocation to replace mothers and fathers, said the French head of state, insisting that they should be the ones to keep their children at home.

Macron also hopes to awaken the spirit of responsibility of the large platforms of social networks (especially Snapchat and TikTok) that serve to arouse a form of mimicry of violence among the youngest: it seems that some of them live in the street the video games that have intoxicated them, he pointed out.

For its part, the French Council of Muslim Worship lamented the turn that events are taking, and warned young delinquents that the images they star in will only serve to reaffirm those who stigmatize their neighborhoods and inhabitants.

The Parisian I interviewed one of the two people who were in the car with Nahel before he was shot down by the police. The young man said that he would appear at the police station on Monday to give his vision of the facts and ensure that escaped in a panic and went to his father’s house in Marseilles for a few days.

Filed In: France Emmanuel Macron

#Violence #spreads #intensifies #streets #France #restrictions

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