That is coming to Berlin

by time news

Berlin is preparing for stricter corona rules. From Tuesday, new measures will apply in the capital as well as in other federal states. They range from contact restrictions to assembly and firecracker bans at popular celebration locations on New Year’s Eve. The Berlin Senate makes an exception, however, contrary to the federal-state resolutions previously made for larger events. They are still allowed, of course with conditions.

The coronavirus still has the country under control, and while many have already voluntarily foregone large family get-togethers for Christmas, this will drag on into the new year. If private meetings with more than ten people were still allowed in Berlin at Christmas, they will no longer be allowed from Tuesday. This also applies to those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered. Children up to the age of 14 are exempt from this.

It remains uncomfortable for unvaccinated people: They are only allowed to come together with members of their own household and a maximum of two people from another household.

All people, including those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered, are advised to undergo a quick test or self-test before meeting other households. Anyone who suffers from typical corona symptoms should generally refrain from meeting.

New Year’s Eve in Berlin: Firecrackers ban zones and contact restrictions

On New Year’s Eve, there will be contact restrictions in the private sector as well as in public life. The Senate imposed a gathering and fireworks ban at a total of 53 locations in Berlin. These include the Brandenburg Gate, Potsdamer Platz, Breitscheidplatz, Simon-Dach-Kiez, Treptower Park, Hermannplatz, on the Teufelsberg and the old towns of Köpenick and Spandau. All places where people have so far often and happily celebrated the New Year. However, according to the Senate, exemptions for professional fireworks are possible.

Events with more than 200 people indoors and 1,000 people outdoors are also prohibited. “Dance pleasures” in clubs or other rooms are also prohibited.

Sports events and variety shows can take place in Berlin

However, Berlin takes a special route with cultural and sporting events: From December 28, entry will continue to be made for up to 3,000 spectators outdoors and 2,000 spectators in closed rooms. There should then apply 2G-plus, i.e. recovered or vaccinated plus FFP2 mask and a negative test.

This means that cultural events and variety shows can continue in the coming days and possibly weeks. In addition, the Bundesliga clubs Alba Berlin and Berliner Eisbären benefit, who want to play home games in front of more than a thousand spectators this year. The 1. FC Union and Hertha BSC can therefore continue to receive spectators after the winter break – albeit significantly less than usual.

The federal and state governments had even agreed that “major national events” must take place without spectators by December 28th at the latest. In many countries there will therefore be ghost football games, among other things. Bavaria had already implemented this two weeks ago.

“We have decided to proceed moderately here, weighing up the risks and protective measures,” said Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD) last Thursday after a special session of the Senate. The aim is to maintain activities in culture, sport or business as far as possible, albeit under restricted conditions. “We have come to the conclusion that this is still better than a complete rejection.”

Seven-day incidence has fallen slightly, according to the RKI

The ordinance will initially apply until January 22, 2022. By then, many hope that the situation will ease. Because the virus variant Omikron is still on the advance, the risk of infection is high, the course of the disease varies from harmless, worrying to the first deaths.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the seven-day incidence is currently 220.7. It has decreased slightly. The RKI points out, however, that less test and reporting activity can be expected during the holidays and at the turn of the year. Therefore, the reported number of cases could only show an incomplete picture of the corona situation. According to the information, 88 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were 180 deaths.

Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Woidke: Measures are enough for now

Other federal states had already preferred the “Lockdown Light” for Christmas, including Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. In Brandenburg, the stricter corona rules come into force on Monday. The local Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD), however, spoke out in favor of the fact that that was enough for now.

“We mustn’t overuse people,” said Woidke, according to the German Press Agency on Saturday. You have to take the people with you, every week a new package of measures only leads to a lack of understanding. “Acceptance is the basic requirement for mutual success.”

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