“Nobody believed in that film, I was alone against everyone”- time.news

by time news

2023-07-01 09:19:19

by Stefania Ulivi

The anniversary of the film celebrated at the Pesaro film festival: «I’m still amazed. I remember in 1983, in Venice, I got awful reviews. Jennifer Beals? Perfect»

The first to be surprised by so much love after 40 years for that film in which, apart from him, no one seemed to believe, is the person concerned, Adrian Lyne, the English director who made his fortune in the 80s and 90s of Hollywood with a succession of successes: Flashdance, in fact, 9 ½ weeks, Indecent Proposal, Fatal Attraction. A few days ago, at the 59th edition of the Pesaro film festival, which has just ended, a highly cinephile audience paid homage to the film that launched Jennifer Beals and consecrated the British director, who turned 82 in March.

Why is he surprised?

«I was in Italy in 1983, at the Venice Film Festival when we previewed it, in the Venice night section. I have received awful reviews. One for example, I keep it framed in my studio because it was atrocious. I have it here in front of me while I speak to you.’

Not even the producers believed in the film’s potential, they sold off the rights two weeks before release.

«It was terrible, nobody followed me. Alone against all”.

How do you explain so little trust?

«I think what scared about the film was the strength, its energy, the different dance scenes than usual. I remember insisting on studying the scene with Jennifer Beals, Alex, dancing on the chair with the water jet, I imagined the splashes flying around and the audience getting angry because it was wet. I had no idea how to shoot it but I knew I didn’t want to give up. I could feel the skepticism of the producers, the gloom on their faces when they saw me come on set with the water hose. Marvelous”.

One of the most iconic scenes of cinema of those years came out of it.

«We tried to light it in the right way against a white background but it was ridiculous, the water didn’t come out well, you couldn’t see it. We changed everything and did it with a very bright light, so the drops could finally show, and it finally worked out well. Bob Fosse, the great musical director, told me he liked her. I was surprised and flattered, I told him: “You know, I stole from your Lenny, the way Dustin Hoffman was lit was amazing”, and he replied: “I know” ».

Come scelse Jennifer Beals?

“I had seen almost every actress. Then she came to her auditions I was struck by her vulnerability. I made her cry, because I wanted to see her range of emotions. She did it very easily because she had lost all of her luggage before she got there and was desperate. I think the film works mainly because of her, because she had the quality of a child, she was only 17 years old. And also because she was a wonderful dancer, really ».

«Flashdance» has profoundly influenced the pop imaginary.
“I find it difficult to talk about my things, but it’s true. I remember some exhibitors telling me about the impact on spectators: “They dance in the corridors, they dance in the cinemas”. It also happened in Times Square, New York. The girls wore their shirts pulled over their shoulders. That too was my idea, I had done it in commercials before making this film, I liked putting girls in oversized men’s clothes, I thought it emphasized their femininity».

Even the soundtrack has a life of its own: «What a Feeling», Oscar for best song, «Maniac».

«Yes, you can still hear those songs. It is funny. I worked a lot on Maniac. I had listened to a German band, Kraftwerk. And I heard in the rhythm section, kind of a bing, bing, bong. I played it to Sembello, he liked it and we inserted it. We stole from Kraftwerk.’

How much did the film’s success help your career? Over 200 million dollars worldwide.

«They looked for me from Broadway, they offered me musicals like A chorus line. But I didn’t want to repeat myself.”

Instead he did “9 1/2 weeks.”

“And the general comment: ‘You know this is professional suicide.’ I think I’ve always been attracted to risky things.’

Even with that, “Indecent Proposal” and “Fatal Attraction” made their mark. All considered cult films today.
“I’ve always just tried to make films. In my own way, I’m interested in the details, rather than the Matrix or the Marvel movies, they strike me but I don’t want to do them. Maybe it’s because I remain a European director».

He returned to the set for “Deep Water” with Ben Affleck. He hadn’t toured for many years.

“Well, that was good. It was my first time shooting digitally and, in a way, it was easier, because the process was more streamlined and less painful. But I wonder if it shouldn’t be painful. That it’s simpler isn’t necessarily a good thing. Deep Water was also vilified like the other films. But people appreciated it. The one I’m most attached to is Perverse Hallucination, from 1990. The less understood, the better for me».

Do you have projects in the pipeline?

“I have one called One Neck, it’s about a serial killer at a party in the Hamptons in New York. Half laughter, half horror, a bit like a Tarantino film, like Reservoir Dogs. That sensation, delightful to me, of horror and slightly hysterical amusement.’

July 1, 2023 (change July 1, 2023 | 09:19)

#believed #film #time.news

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