by time news

2023-06-26 13:29:32


No. 014-AAON-ADM/CO/PEB-G III/FY23 of Monday, June 12,

Context :

Following the call for tenders N0 AON-O N0 T01 PEB -GIII of Monday, September 12, 2022, for the construction of school infrastructure in the prefectures of Dalaba, Pita and Kissidougou whose execution contracts have signed with the winning companies on February 22, 2023, the purpose of this consultation is to select companies specializing in the manufacture of furniture in order to be able to provide all the 59 schools under construction with table-benches and teachers’ desks. Through this National Open Tender Notice, Plan International is looking for specialized companies to:

The manufacture and assembly of school furniture in the 59 schools of the PEB-G III project in the prefectures of Dalaba, Pita and Kissidougou

Nature of markets and allotment:

Contracts for the manufacture, transport and assembly of school furniture for the equipment of Classrooms (SDC) and Directions in the fifty-nine (59) schools built by the PEG-G III project in the prefectures of Dalaba, Pita and Kissidougou are divided into three batches as follows:

Lot 1: Dalaba Prefecture: equipment for 28 schools; Lot 2: Pita Prefecture: equipment for 20 schools; Lot 3: Kissidougou Prefecture: equipment for 11 schools.

2-Conditions of participation :

All companies incorporated under Guinean law, legally established in the Republic of Guinea and in good standing vis-à-vis the Tax Administration and companies legally established in the West African sub-region (ECOWAS), or groups of companies as described in article 4, are invited to take part in this call for competition provided that they meet the qualification conditions, in terms of legal eligibility to practice in Guinea; possession of adequate material, human and financial resources and experience acquired in carrying out activities similar to those covered by the contract, as indicated in the Special Tender Regulations (RPAO).

All Procurement processes (as defined in the “Guidelines for Procurement of Consultancy, Civil Works, Installations, Supplies and Miscellaneous Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries” attached in Annex 5 (the “Guidelines for Procurement”)) that will be carried out for contracts financed under the Financial Assistance Contract will at all times comply with the following:

The Procurement Guidelines to be consulted on the link:

All companies are authorized to submit offers for all 3 lots.

3. Bid guarantee or provisional bond:

Bidders must attach to their bids, a bid guarantee or a provisional guarantee established by a national bank approved by the Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea (BCRG), in the form of a joint and several guarantee of a fixed amount. of :

Lot N°Number of schoolsAmount of the Bid GuaranteeLot 128Cent millions (100.000.000) GNFLot 220Soixante millions (60.000.000) GNFLot 311Trente millions (30.000.000) GNF

4. Withdrawal from the Call for Tenders file:

The Call for Tenders file will be sent by email in electronic version. Any interested candidate can obtain it free of charge by sending a request to Plan International in Guinea, upon publication of this Notice of Invitation to Tender free of charge.

All requests for files should be sent by e-mail to:

5. Deadline for submission of offers:

The representative of each candidate is invited to present himself, with his envelopes in hand Tuesday, July 11, 2023no later than 10:00 a.m. minute at the Plan International Guinea office in Conakry, opposite the Lycée Kipé, Résidence Matou.

The deadline for submission is Thirty (30) days, from the date of the first official publication in national newspapers and websites.


Plan International in Guinea

Mr. Medard To Mesmin OUINSAVI

Acting Country Director


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