the looting of shops in court

by time news

2023-07-01 20:01:00

“We are going to peta (taper) in Châtelet”, “we are just waiting for it to fart”: several young people were sentenced on Saturday in Bobigny and Paris for having taken advantage of the riots in response to the death of Nahel to loot brand stores or supermarkets .

Since the death of this 17-year-old teenager, killed by a policeman on Tuesday in Nanterre during a roadside check, many cities in France have been the scene of violence and looting.

In the center of Paris, on the night of Thursday to Friday, several signs were degraded. The imposing Nike store in Les Halles was ransacked in 25 minutes by thirty to fifty people, reports the president of the criminal court.

The damage has not yet been fixed, but 200 pairs of shoes are missing, according to a first count.

Lydia, just 18 years old, dark hair held in a messy ponytail, was arrested hiding in a room near the store, Nike products in her hands and a tracksuit bottom put on around her head.

Stealing, “it was not the plan”, she says, but several eloquent videos were found in her phone.

At 4:36 p.m., “we’re going to peta in Châtelet the trendy stores” with the mention “11:00 p.m.”. “We are waiting for people (…) we are just waiting for it to blow up” at 10:39 p.m. Then, once in the store with his underage girlfriend: “we farted, look at all the clothes, if we get caught it will be my fault”.

Lydia says she is “sincerely sorry”. She claims to have understood “the seriousness of the facts” and panics when the president announces to her that Nike will certainly seek compensation for the “monstrous damage”.

Out of school for two years, she lost her father last year. “She’s a nice girl,” her mother said, looking fondly at her crying daughter in the cubicle.

“What else ?”

The prosecutor is asking for 70 hours of community service (TIG) against this “very young lost woman” who “rather needs help than being condemned”.

– You agree with the TIG? asks the president.

– What else do you suggest? replies the teenager.

– The prison ! When you say that you regret, it makes you wonder if it’s true, the judge gets annoyed.

– Stop! the tance his lawyer.

The young girl is finally sentenced to 105 hours of TIG to be performed during the year. Otherwise “it’s two months in prison”, warns the president. She was also banned from going to Paris for two months.

Nike’s injury hearing is scheduled for June 2024.

In Bobigny, it is the looting of a Carrefour store in Saint-Denis by around fifty hooded individuals on the night of Thursday to Friday which is examined at the hearing.

The iron curtain of the supermarket was vandalized, its glass door pulverized with stones and a hammer.

When the police intervene, under jets of projectiles, they discover many young people weighted with household appliances. Some flee with their loot, others abandon it on the spot.

“Just filming”

Arrested, four young barely major appear. Among them, a store employee who guided the rioters to the televisions and a young woman known to staff for attempted robberies from the shelves.

In the glass box, the defendant, tanned with UV, blond and black locks, her nose pierced with a ring, hardly maintains that she only entered the store to lecture the little brother of a friend.

“I just wanted to film the scene,” she says with her cheeky air. Why the hood then? “So that I am not recognizable, because I am still in front of a scene of looting”.

At his side, the 23-year-old employee of a car rental company, who lives just above the store, blames himself for having reconnected with the old demons of his judicial past by participating in the raid.

“I managed to fit into society, find a job (…) It’s been over a year, everything was fine. It’s (…) as if I had ruined everything” , he regrets, the new jersey of the French football team on the shoulders.

Same penalty for the four defendants: six months in prison with a warrant.

7/1/2023 8:00:51 PM – Paris (AFP) – © 2023 AFP

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