“The church must be in the middle of the village”… – Congo Indépendant

by time news

2023-06-29 16:53:33

Win the Legend

Tell me: should only the Catholic Church be in the middle of the village and not the other churches? Was Felix Tshisekedi once worried about seeing pastors Mukuna, Mukendi and “others” preaching politically in their churches, doing “his” propaganda there and, on occasion, discourteously attacking the leaders of the current opposition? Are they themselves exempted from the…religious impartiality demanded of Catholic priests? What have they done or said that undermines national cohesion or the country’s security? What CONCRETELY reproaches Felix Tshisekedi to the Catholic bishops? Is it their uncompromising diagnosis of the state of the country and particularly the dysfunction of the electoral process or the fact of having been to Kashobwe, the village of Moïse Katumbi, to inaugurate there the imposing and beautiful church built by the latter, a fervent and stainless Catholic? What civil law, what moral principle have they transgressed?

By dint of hearing “concrete” here and “concrete” there all day long, of savoring the sermons of praise in his place on the part of the other “anointed” of God, the discordant sounds emitted by the Catholic Church irritate- they at this point the “guarantor” of the nation? Are we guaranteeing security and peace in the country by threatening an institution whose contribution, since the existence of the Congo as a modern state, to the well-being and peace in our society is not to be demonstrated?

It is not written that any president of the DRC must absolutely serve two terms, even if the first was chaotic, without great results. Electoral competition, like any competition, opposes several competitors. One participates in it by psychologically incorporating victory or defeat. To win at all costs, to stay in power at all costs (even if it means tracking down and imprisoning all of your opponents and tampering with the results of the vote) is a dangerous obsession. You don’t always come out a winner in this risky game. Blaise Compaoré, whom power had caused to lose the north – like many other former and “powerful” presidents and monarchs – had known great disillusionment in the face of the unexpected revolt of the Burkinabè people who had, among other expressions of anger, set ashes , in less than an hour, the building of the National Assembly. May God spare the Congo, by a sense of responsibility of its leaders, and particularly by the temperance of the President of the Republic in his words and actions, from similar and unfortunate events.

Win the Legend



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#church #middle #village #Congo #Indépendant

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