«I stopped smoking when I started the treatment to have my son»

by time news

2023-07-02 04:10:20

07/02/2023 at 04:10 a.m.

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Family is the first train we catch in life. Currently, there are many more types of families than fifty years ago, and the concept cannot be reduced to a nuclear family -dad, mother and children-. Some of those other models we have seen in this book, as is the case of mine. Carlos and I are not a ‘traditional’ family, not only because I am a single mother, but because we live with my parents and my brother. We are, according to the new definitions, an extended family», this is how María Zurita expresses herself in ‘My mother and I are a happy family’ (HarperCollins) in a book -illustrated by Patricia Carcelén- in which the cousin of His Majesty Felipe VI tells an endearing story in which she reminds us that each family is different and unique.

María Zurita studied Translation and Interpreting. Over twenty years ago she founded her own translation agency, Zesauro. She has been vice president and president of the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Madrid. In addition, it actively collaborates with the Fundación Duques de Soria de Ciencia y Cultura, the International Women’s Forum, Fundación Atiende (to improve the social inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorders) and Fundación A La Par (which provides work in different workshops for the mentally handicapped). ‘My mom and I are a happy family’ it is his first book.

María is very active and takes great care of herself, which is why she starts the day with a breakfast based on “coffee with milk and toast with honey. Then at noon I usually have a snack ». She follows the advice of her father, Dr. Carlos Zurita: “She always says that you have to eat everything but little… and that’s what I try to do.”

This is how Maria Zurita takes care of herself


1. “I love stews and almost all the dishes of our gastronomy”


2. «Breakfast a coffee with milk and toast with honey. At noon I eat something »


3. «It is very good for me to walk a lot and at a good pace. I don’t smoke or drink.”


4. “My work forces me to eat out, but I eat dinner every day at home”


5. “My father always says: you have to eat everything but little and that’s what I try to do”


6. «I worry about my health just enough. I have check-ups every year, because prevention is better than cure»


7. «The truth is that I am not obsessed by any disease. I try not to think about negative things.”


8. «Any weak point? I have too many, I wouldn’t know where to start. Hahaha”


9. «I was hooked on tobacco for years. I left him seven years ago when I started treatment to have Carlos »


10. “To feel rested I need to sleep eight hours and I do it every night”

His trick to stay in shape? He confesses «not having any, but it is very good for me to walk a lot and at a good pace. I don’t smoke and I don’t drink alcohol. Lastly, she tells us that she was addicted to tobacco for years and gave it up seven years ago when she started treatment to have Carlos. The doctor was very clear: “Either child or cigarette. And I chose boy ».

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