Salary, hours, taxes… All you need to know about summer jobs

by time news

2023-07-02 07:45:57

If you are looking for a summer job for yourself or your child, vigilance is required on a few points. Salary, employment contract, taxes…, we tell you everything.

Can you work in the summer as a miner?

Yes, young people can work from the age of 16 provided they have written authorization from their legal guardian. Thanks to a “derogation from a labor inspector”, recall Margaux Berbey and Axel Wantz, lawyers in social law, it is even possible to work between 14 and 16 years old. The job must then fulfill very specific criteria, in particular on the hours or the prohibition to serve alcoholic beverages.

How much does a summer job pay?

If the young person is aged 18 or over, he must be paid at least on the basis of the hourly minimum wage, i.e. 1,747.20 euros gross for 35 hours per week since May 1, 2023 (11.52 euros gross hour).

If the young person is a minor, his remuneration is reduced to 80% of the minimum wage: 9.22 euros gross per hour if he is under 17 years old, and 90% of the minimum wage, i.e. 10.37 euros gross per hour. hour, between 17 and 18 years old.

Do we have to sign a contract?

Like any CDD, summer jobs are subject to labor law and are the subject of a “written contract between the employer and the employee, regardless of age” specifies Margaux Berbey. The contract is necessary to be within the legal framework and allows you to be protected in the event of an accident and to access certain rights (insurance, pension contributions, leave). If the contract is not signed or respected, “the labor inspectorate may be requested and the employer sued”, warn the experts.

What are the legal obligations for timetables?

The work of minors is subject to a strict timetable: in addition to the 35 hours of regulation, there is no work between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., nor on Sundays or public holidays. In addition, 12 hours of consecutive rest are compulsory per day. Derogations are possible in the hotel and restaurant industry with an extension of 1h30. Young people can only work eight hours a day and overtime, capped at five per week, must be granted by an inspector, while adults can work up to 48 hours a week, 60 in exceptional circumstances.

For those under 16, the daily maximum is seven hours with an end of day before 8 p.m., 14 hours of rest are required per day and breaks of at least 30 minutes every 4.5 hours. We add to these rules that they can only work during school holidays, knowing that the contract cannot exceed half of this time.

Can I pay taxes on the salary received?

No. Up to 25 years and “up to three times the monthly amount of the minimum wage per year” assure the lawyers, the income is not subject to income tax. Excess income must however be declared, either by the young person or by the parents if the young person is attached to their tax household.

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