What have been the best known sightings?

by time news

2023-07-02 07:33:54

Is there extraterrestrial life? This is the question that many people on planet Earth ask themselves. The question of whether we are alone or whether aliens exist in other corners of the universe has given rise to multiple theories and conspiracies over the years.

To reinforce these suspicions, World UFO Day is celebrated every July 2, promoted by those who believe that life exists beyond the atmosphere. The faithful followers of this event celebrate UFO Day with marathons of extraterrestrial-themed movies, gatherings to make night sightings or excursions to places where it is assumed that there was a presence of UFOs.

The term UFO means unidentified flying object, UFO in English, and was coined in 1953 inspired by the United States Air Force. To detect these UFOs or unidentified objects, the United States Department of Defense created the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program to investigate those unmanned ships that cross the American sky.

Those who most believe in the theory that there is intelligent life in some corner of the universe, also believe that there may be alien individuals on Earth posing as human beings. Likewise, in the media, there have been several people who have claimed to have contact with extraterrestrials, including claims of abductions or telepathic contacts.

The case that sparked the most commotion around the world, and for which World UFO Day is celebrated on July 2, was the one known as the Roswell incident. This event happened on July 2, 1947, when a spaceship collided next to a ranch in the New Mexico desert. The official version of the authorities was that what fell from the sky was a conventional weather balloon, but witnesses claimed they saw a flying disc.

The Roswell incident developed multiple theories, but the US military claimed in two reports that it was a Project Mogul nuclear test surveillance balloon.

After this event, many believers in alien theories and many ufologists continued to investigate and try to discover more cases in different parts of the world.

One of the areas that inspires the most conspiracy theories is known as Area 51. This area does not appear on any map, but it is considered to be located at the Nellis Air Force Base, in the south of the state of Nevada (United States). . It is believed that research with advanced systems and development of propulsion or teleportation systems are carried out in this area. All the information that is collected in Area 51 is top secret.

Likewise, some of the best-known sightings, captured by cameras or airplanes, were those of Sao Paulo, where, in 1986, 20 UFOs were detected by radar, which disappeared when military planes approached. In 1997, several unusual lights were sighted in the sky in Arizona and in 2005, in Mexico, a squadron of the Mexican Air Force captured 11 UFOs. The last notable sighting was the one detected by the camera in the dome of the Mosque of The Rock in Jerusalem, in whose images it was seen how a light approached and moved away at great speed, later generating red lights with harmonious movement.


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