There are more and more professionals studying online

by time news

2023-07-02 23:38:40

Studying online is becoming more and more popular because it is an option that allows you, from anywhere in the world, to access educational offers without having to go to a classroom, have a teacher or a set schedule.
The option online It is convenient because the student can enter his course at different times, from anywhere on the planet, choose the institution and it could even imply a lower cost.
This popularity, explained the Manager of Academic Operations Online from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara (UAG), Dr. Francisco Guardado Rangel, can be explained by the Covid-19 pandemic, which removed a “blindfold” from people’s way of thinking.
Staying at home allowed many to break the paradigm and study in a different way; and that is, the classes online they work very well.
“In Mexico and Latin America the choice of education online It is barely 20 years old, while in other countries it is not new, they have programs in this modality,” he said.
According to the study “Online Education in Mexico 2021”, prepared by the MX Internet Association and OCCMundial, it was projected that from the year 2021, 4 out of 10 people interested in studying would opt for the mixed modality (face-to-face and online), 35 percent online and 24 percent in person.
Given these data, the UAG has not only adapted to hybrid avant-garde teaching models (B-Learning), it has also developed an entire virtualized study exosystem and, therefore, launched master’s and bachelor’s degrees in business and engineering, with 11 programs in the year 2022.
In September 2023 it will launch 8 new programs with which they will add a total of 19 online programs and plans to continue this push each year with a launch of 9 to 10 programs online.

Are you proactive? Online education is for you
“At UAG we are an institution that promotes innovation and online classes are one of the many options that we have at hand for this task of providing world-class education,” said Dr. Guardado Rangel.
The advantages of studying in the ecosystem online of the UAG are, among others:

The student has learning alternatives, which will allow him to develop unique skills and abilities. Promotes interest in research. Easy distance interaction (whoever wants to study a career can do so from anywhere in the world). The student can regulate himself and be Self-taught, if you are not someone passive, this is the option for you. It allows accessibility of time, space and place. Different, more direct and focused interaction with the teacher. These programs are more affordable than others.” These are facilities that offers the study onlinewhich is one of the options that is becoming more popular every day if you want to complete your professional career with new skills”, he concluded.

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