the history of the Roswell Case, the finding that marked history

by time news

2023-07-02 15:08:26

2023 – UFOs. World UFO Day is celebrated in commemoration of the date in 1947 when the “Roswell incident” occurred.

Also known as the “Roswell case”, the date recalls the alleged fall of an alien ship on the land of a ranch in that town in the state of New Mexico.

Those who believe and study extraterrestrial theories consider that this case was one of the most important ufological events, since from this event the history of modern ufology began.

Roswell case: the discovery that marks World UFO Day

That July 2, 76 years ago, farmer Mac Brazel found the object on his ranch. On the 8th of the same month, the local newspaper, Roswell Daily Record, had as its main headline “Military captured remains of a flying saucer”.

The find was initially reported to George Wilcox, the town sheriff. Upon seeing the object, Wilcox alerted the nearest military authorities. That’s how Jesse Marcel, a mid-ranking military man, went to the farmer’s property and picked up what had fallen to be studied.

However, he was not alone: ​​he was accompanied by two secret service agents. As confirmed by military sources to the local media, a general had recognized that they were the remains of a spacecraft.

The local Roswell newspaper. on July 8, 1947, when he published on the front page that the remains of an alien spacecraft had been found. (Web)

The next day, the Roswell Daily Record denied itself, headlining: “Ramsey Clarifies That The Flying Saucer Isn’t True.” Ramsey was a general in charge of a base in Texas. As they explained, the general recognized what was found as the remains of a weather balloon. Or at least that was what he said.

That was the starting point of a great story of mysteries, alien life, and conspiracy theories that still attract the attention of many people around the globe today.

The UFO-shaped cloud in Sierra de la Ventana.

Other ephemeris

1930 – CARLOS MENEM. The former Peronist president Carlos Saúl Menem was born in the Rioja city of Anillaco, in 1930, the leader who held the head of state for the longest time with a record of ten years, five months and two days, until he was succeeded in 1999 by the Radical Fernando De la Rúa.

Carlos Saúl Menem (Anillaco, La Rioja, July 2, 1930-Buenos Aires, February 14, 2021), president of the Argentine Nation between 1989 and 1999 and governor of the province of La Rioja in the periods 1973-1976 and 1983 -1989. From 2005 to 2021 he was a national senator, representing the province of La Rioja.

1994 – ANDRES ESCOBAR. Colombian soccer player Andrés Escobar is shot to death in the city of Medellín, ten days after scoring against the goal that eliminated Colombia from the 1994 World Cup in the United States by losing to the US team 2-1. The crime is attributed to drug traffickers who lost a lot of money betting on the result of the match, which had Colombia as the favourite.

2003 – MOUTH JUNIORS. Under the technical direction of Carlos Bianchi, Boca Juniors won its fifth Copa Libertadores de América by beating Brazilian Santos 3-1 at the Morumbí stadium in Sao Paulo, with goals from Carlos Tévez, Marcelo Delgado and Rolando Schiavi. It was in 2003.

2005 – MESSI CHAMPION WITH THE SUB 20. With two goals from Lionel Messi, the Argentine sub 20 team wins its fifth world championship in the category by beating Nigeria 2-1 at the Galgenwaard stadium (Utrecht, Netherlands). With a mark of six goals, Messi was the top scorer of the tournament and winner of the Ballon d’Or.

2012 – GENDER IDENTITY. In 2012, the Gender Identity Law was regulated, which recognizes the right of people to be treated according to how they perceive themselves, thereby protecting sexual diversity and aiming at healthy development. of sexuality.

More ephemeris

1961.- Ernest Hemingway, American writer and Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954, commits suicide in Ketchum (Idaho, USA).

1964.- US President Lyndon Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act that prohibits unequal voter registration and racial segregation in schools and work.

1966.- France carries out its first nuclear test in the Mururoa atoll, in Polynesia (Pacific), after the initials of Algeria.

1972.- Indira Gandhi (India) and Ali Bhuto (Pakistan) sign the Simla peace treaty.

1975.- The Polisario Front is expelled from Mauritania.

1976.- The Vietnamese National Assembly declares the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Republic of South Vietnam reunified as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, chaired by Ton Duc Thang.

1982.- Spain and the United States sign the Agreement of Friendship, Defense and Cooperation, which replaces the one of 1976, with full Spanish sovereignty over the bases and prohibition of nuclear weapons in its territory.

1985.- The head of Soviet diplomacy, Andrei Gromiko, is appointed president of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

– The European Space Agency launches the Giotto probe, which approaches the nucleus of Halley’s Comet for study.

1986.- General strike in Chile against the Pinochet government.

1988.- John Paul II excommunicates the traditionalist archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and several bishops, including the Spanish Alfonso de Galarreta and the Brazilian Antonio de Castro Mayer.

1989.- The Algerian Parliament approves the law on political associations, which allows multipartyism.

1990.- 1,426 people die in a stampede in a tunnel near Mecca (Saudi Arabia), when they were going to the “Feast of the Sacrifice of the Lamb”.

1992.- The United States communicates to NATO that it has completed the withdrawal of its tactical nuclear weapons from land in Europe.

– The Peruvian president, Alberto Fujimori, announces the capture of the Shining Path leader Luis Alberto Arana Franco.

2000.- Vicente Fox, from the National Action Party, wins the presidential elections in Mexico and ends 71 ​​years of PRI rule.

2001.- The first fully autonomous artificial heart, AbioCor, was successfully implanted at the Louisville Jewish Hospital (Kentucky, USA). The recipient passed away 151 days later from a medical problem unrelated to his new heart.

2006.- The Movement Towards Socialism, led by President Evo Morales, wins the elections to the Constituent Assembly in Bolivia with a majority.

– Conservative Felipe Calderón wins the Mexican presidential elections.

– Herty Lewites, former mayor of Managua and candidate for the Presidency of Nicaragua, dies of a heart attack.

2007.- Eight Spanish tourists and two Yemenis die in a suicide car-bomb attack in Yemen.

2010.- 232 people die and 117 are injured when a tanker truck explodes in Sange, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, when they were collecting the spilled fuel.

– The UN General Assembly creates the organization “UN Women”.

2012.- The first Orion capsule arrives at Cape Canaveral, Florida, to transport astronauts on space missions, ending three decades of shuttles.

2021.- The United States abandons the Bagram air base, its main military installation in Afghanistan.


1930.- Carlos Saúl Menem, former Argentine president.

1938.- David Owen, British politician.

1942.- Vicente Fox, former Mexican president.

1969.- Jenni Rivera, American singer.

1985.- Ashley Tisdale, American actress and singer.

1986.- Lindsay Lohan, American actress and singer.


1977.- Vladimir Nabokov, Russian-American writer.

1989.- Andrei Gromiko, former Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

1992.- José Monge Cruz, “Camarón de la Isla”, Spanish singer.

1997.- James Stewart, American actor.

1999.- Mario Puzo, American writer.

2008.- Simone Ortega, Spanish writer.

2011.- Itamar Franco, former Brazilian president.

2013.- Fawzia of Egypt, sister of King Faruk and first wife of Shah Reza Pahlavi.

2015.- Jacobo Zabludovsky, Mexican journalist.

2016.- Elie Wiesel, Romanian writer, Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize 1986.

2016.- Michel Rocard, French politician.

2019.- Lee Iacocca, American businessman and former president of Ford and Chysler.

Source: own and agencies.

#history #Roswell #Case #finding #marked #history

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