Ban on Amazon | Dynamics

by time news

New Delhi: Indigenous Jagran Munch, also known as SJM, has demanded that the permission given to multinational e-commerce companies, including Amazon and Flipkart, to operate in India be revoked for violating the rules.


The national meeting of the Indigenous Awareness Organization, also known as ‘Indigenous Jagran Munch’, a branch of the RSS, was recently held in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. The resolution passed said that multinational e-commerce companies such as Amazon, Flipkart and Walmart operating in India are openly violating our country’s foreign direct investment restrictions.
From 2017-18 to 2019-20 alone, Amazon has spent Rs 9,788 crore on legal action in India, according to its budget. Bribery However, it has come to light that this money has been spent on bribery of officials in India in violation of the law.
Not only Amazon but many other multinational e-commerce companies in India are violating the law by bribing officials. This should not be taken lightly. Therefore, the permission given to multinational companies including Amazon, Flipkart and Walmart to operate in India should be revoked. The CBI should order an inquiry into the violations of the rules of these companies. Thus stated in the resolution.



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