Big Ideas in American Politics: From Age Limitations to Freedom Cities

by time news

Title: Presidential Candidates Propose Big Ideas, Sparking Debate Ahead of 2024 Election

Subtitle: Age limits, voting age, retirement age, birthright citizenship, and criminal justice reform are among the controversial proposals

Date: [Insert Date]

In the lead-up to the 2024 Presidential election, candidates are pushing forth bold and innovative proposals, sparking debates and capturing the attention of voters across the nation. While these big ideas may have limited chances of becoming law, they provide insight into the vision and priorities of the candidates. With President Joe Biden expected to secure the Democratic nomination, much of the intellectual discourse this year is happening within the Republican party.

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has proposed a “mental competency” test for candidates over the age of 75. Haley’s intention is to tap into concerns about President Biden’s mental capacity, but the feasibility of implementing such a test remains uncertain. Critics argue that this proposal would limit voters’ choices and undermine the democratic process, as voters should have the freedom to choose their preferred candidates. However, age limits are not entirely unprecedented, as corporations often set them for executives.

Biotech founder and Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has suggested raising the legal voting age to 25. This proposition has raised questions about the 26th Amendment, which guarantees the right to vote for individuals aged 18 and older. While Ramaswamy believes attaching greater value to the act of voting could improve civic engagement, critics argue that this change would disenfranchise young voters. Democrats have also called for lowering the voting age to 16 in recent years, further highlighting the divide on this issue.

Republican figures such as Nikki Haley and former Vice President Mike Pence are advocating for raising the retirement age, aiming to address the nation’s financial challenges. However, the specifics of their proposals remain vague. Haley acknowledged the need for further calculations to determine a specific retirement age, while Pence suggested letting younger Americans invest a portion of their payroll taxes in a mutual fund. Discussions about social safety net programs like Social Security have become crucial as younger generations are projected to have longer working lives.

Former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis have raised the issue of birthright citizenship. They argue that babies born to undocumented parents should not automatically become citizens. However, birthright citizenship is protected by the 14th Amendment in the US Constitution, making significant changes unlikely. Trump has mentioned the possibility of signing an executive order, while DeSantis has indicated reliance on Congress and the court system to address the issue.

Trump has presented various unconventional ideas, including the creation of “freedom cities” on federal lands and the development of vertical-takeoff vehicles to alleviate commutes. While these propositions offer a futuristic vision, their practical implementation faces numerous challenges, including technological advancements and government initiatives.

Governor DeSantis seeks to undo one of Trump’s bipartisan achievements, the First Step Act, a criminal justice and sentencing reform law. DeSantis now refers to it as the “jailbreak bill” and aims to impose the death penalty for drug offenders. This stance represents a significant shift for Trump, who had commuted sentences for nonviolent drug offenders. Repealing the First Step Act would require cooperation from Democrats in the Senate, making it a contentious issue within the Republican party.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, these big ideas put forth by candidates are stirring discussions and prompting voters to contemplate the direction they want the country to take. While not all proposals may come to fruition, they provide valuable insights into the priorities and values of the candidates competing for the nation’s highest office.

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