Argentinian | 54 Years of the Stonewall Revolt

by time news

2023-06-28 23:35:44

In Argentina, the most popular commemoration that claims LGBTI+ rights is the Pride March, which takes place every year in the first week of November. However, International LGBTI+ Pride Day does not coincide with that date, as it evokes a courageous and prolonged confrontation between this community and the ferocious New York police, which began at the Stonewall Inn bar on June 28, 1969. At the same time, the debate of what methods and programs to end the discrimination of the sexually diverse and all oppress them is the order of the day.

By PSTU-Argentina

At that time, in the front line were lesbian women, Afro-descendant transvestites and immigrant gays. It is that Stonewall ignited the wick of an accumulated indignation against the discrimination, exploitation and repression to which the poor LGBTI+, Afro-descendants and immigrants were subjected.

Despite the fact that, in recent decades, through struggle and as part of the worker and popular struggles, the LGBTI+ community imposed transformations, overthrew discriminatory laws and obtained some achievements in our country, such as equal marriage, gender identity or the trans labor quota, the resolution of these problems is still far away. They are years and years of violence suffered, of rights denied but also years and years of resistance and struggle, organizing ourselves continues to be a necessity of the first order. Many compañeros have given up their lives to fight for better living conditions, many compañeros have lost their lives at the hands of male violence and hatred towards the collective, many compañeros ended up murdered in a police station. Nobody dies just because in a police station!

LGBTI+ adolescents are exposed to greater situations of vulnerability, bullying, domestic violence, discrimination, added to their identity crisis. Not to mention that police violence does not stop and less in the popular sectors, violating identities and denigrating them.

In the working class as a whole, we are certain that LGBTI+ people often do not dare to speak openly about their sexual orientation, being part of a majority group that, apart from being exploited, is oppressed.

What can we do in this sense from our places of work, study or neighborhoods?

To begin with, disseminate the situation of vulnerability in which the LGBTI+ sector finds itself in our country. As we said, the measures taken so far are not enough: ministries and secretariats that make plans were created, laws are even voted on, which are only applied partially or not at all, due to discrimination, religious pressures and/or lack of budget and resources. In addition, we believe that it is essential to denounce the CGT, CTAs, the Ni Una Menos collective and majority leaderships of Kirchnerism in the women’s movements, lgbti+ and the student movement by promoting non-sexist education, but staying without doing more, they do not promote self-defense They do not enforce and/or claim because the laws that exist today really guarantee equal rights. This is why we must organize ourselves permanently and independently to achieve, in principle, the application and expansion of existing laws, inseparable from an urgent budget increase. Starting from the NO payment of the #ExternalDebt. And in this sense we must denounce and tear down the adjustment plans of the governments and the IMF. Because it is them, it is this capitalist system that has led us and is leading us to increasingly atrocious misery and social degradation. This system doesn’t work anymore!

Let’s fight for a world where we are socially equal, humanly different and totally free, as Rosa Luxemburg said.

Victims of hate crimes and state neglect present! May the pain and anger be transformed into struggle and organization!

Enough of LGBTIhate! Enough of trans-vesticides!

Enough of police and institutional violence!

Justice for Sofia Fernandez and Tehuel of the Tower!

For compliance and expansion of the Travestis Trans Labor Quota! For a comprehensive plan that contemplates the right to health and quality education and the right to decent housing!

Self-defense against sexist and police violence!

No to external debt payment! Allocate that money for the budget increase!

#Argentinian #Years #Stonewall #Revolt

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