Supernova Threat to Solar System Revealed: Filamentary Birth Cocoon Served as Shield, Says New Study

by time news

Supernova Blast Wave Models Reveal Solar System’s Close Call

New evidence suggests that a supernova explosion occurred nearby while our Sun and Solar System were still in their early stages, posing a potential threat to their formation. Isotope ratios found within meteorites point to this cosmic event, which could have potentially destroyed the nascent Solar System. However, recent calculations shed light on the existence of a vital shield that protected our Solar System from the destructive forces of the nearby supernova explosion.

A team of researchers led by Doris Arzoumanian at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan proposed a groundbreaking explanation for how the Solar System acquired the levels of isotopes present in meteorites while surviving the supernova shock. The team’s analysis revealed that a filament of molecular gas, often referred to as the birth cocoon of our Solar System, played a crucial role in both trapping the isotopes and shielding the young Solar System from the catastrophic blast wave.

Meteorites, considered primitive remnants from the birth of the Sun and planets, provide valuable information about the early conditions of our Solar System. Scientists have observed an uneven concentration of a radioactive isotope of aluminum within these meteorites, suggesting that an influx of additional radioactive isotopes occurred during the Solar System’s formation. A nearby supernova explosion emerges as the most plausible candidate for this injection of isotopes.

However, if a supernova occurred close enough to release the observed amount of isotopes into the meteorites, it would have likely generated a blast wave powerful enough to tear apart the developing Solar System. To reconcile this discrepancy, the researchers hypothesized that the Sun formed along a dense molecular gas filament, while a supernova exploded near another filament hub.

Through their calculations, the team determined that it would have taken at least 300,000 years for the blast wave to dissipate the dense filament protecting the nascent Solar System. During these crucial early stages of formation, the meteorite components enriched in radioactive isotopes were already taking shape within the dense filament. This suggests that the parent filament acted as a buffer, safeguarding the young Sun and capturing the radioactive isotopes from the supernova blast wave, subsequently channeling them into the emerging Solar System.

The findings, published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, provide valuable insights into the birth environment of the Sun, particularly in the context of star cluster formation within hub-filament systems. The research opens doors to a deeper understanding of the diverse processes involved in the formation and survival of star systems, highlighting the delicate balance between destructive cosmic events and the protective forces within their immediate surroundings.

As astronomers continue to unravel the mysteries of our Solar System’s origins, this study serves as a reminder of the complex interplay between celestial events and the remarkable resilience of our cosmic neighborhood.

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