‘Experiment went wrong’, says young woman regretful after changing sex

by time news

2023-06-29 20:41:57

Is it possible to change sex? Biologically speaking, anyone who attended at least elementary school knows that no, because regardless of how many surgical or chemical interventions occur in the human body, the genetic definitions of the male and female sexes, responsible for the formation of the organism, will remain unchanged.

But, despite this basic knowledge of biology being a known reality since the beginning of the last century, the promoters of the so-called “gender ideology” continue to manage to gather crowds and deceive young people like Jasmine, who believed in the possibility of changing sex.

It is worth noting that among defenders of the LGBT+ cause, expressions such as “gender change”, “gender transition”, “sexual reassignment”, among others, are used, since many also recognize that the term “change sex” is not the most suitable for referring to transgender people.

It turns out that, in practice, young people like Jasmine, who was “referred to the Tavistock trans clinic at the age of 15”, in the United Kingdom, are being induced to believe that gender transition is literally equivalent to changing sex. “Now I feel like a mangled experiment gone wrong,” she said in an outburst.


With gender dysphoria, which is a psychological confusion related to one’s own sexual identity, Jasmine said that when seeking professional help, she had only two appointments and was soon instructed to make a gender transition (“change sex”) at the Clínica of Tavistock Pediatric Care, the largest in the world in this market.

Believing the professionals’ assessment, the young woman even had a mastectomy (removal of her breasts). Now “mutilated”, as she defines herself, Jasmine finds herself regretting her decision, as well as being abandoned by the professionals who initially treated her.

“I really don’t know what it’s like to have the body of an adult. And now I don’t know how it affected my fertility or my internal health. When I transitioned, nobody checked me out,” she said.

“Sometimes I feel envious of other women who are biologically feminine. They still have their natural voice, their natural features. And I don’t have it anymore,” she said. For Jasmine, her gender dysphoria may have been negatively reinforced, in the opposite direction of what she really needed.

“I preferred typical boy activities, clothes, and toys as a kid, and after watching videos on social media of those looking ‘so happy’ after undergoing pro-trans procedures, I wanted that ‘happiness’ for myself too.” said the young woman, second o The Christian Institute.

The growing number of young people regretting having “changed sex” has been the subject of great concern by people from various segments, including renowned specialists who deal with this reality in the hospital environment. See an example in the article below:

“It’s in fashion”, says transsexual psychologist on the rise of transgender youth

#Experiment #wrong #young #woman #regretful #changing #sex

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