Already this year: Thomas Müller brings Veggie-Leberkas to the Wiesn | Regional

by time news

2023-07-03 13:08:30

Munich – It’s mulling in Munich-Ramersdorf!

The big Bayern star and world champion of 2014 promoted an unusual product on Monday morning (8.30 a.m.): vegan meat loaf! vegan WHAT? And that too in a pea field…

Background: Müller has been investing in products from “Greenforce Future Food AG” since the beginning of 2022. The company brought a vegan white sausage to the Wiesn for the first time last year, and the vegan meat loaf will follow at the Oktoberfest in 2023. Among other things, the new product should be available in the Käferzelt, Hofbräuzelt and Fischer Vroni.

Müller tried the cold vegan meat loaf – and even liked it

Photo: Stephan Kürthy

The footballer has been interested in green products since his first meeting in 2021 with Greenforce boss Thomas Isermann. “First of all, I peppered myself with three vegan sausage spreads. And they tasted really good,” he recalls.

But Müller does not want to be on the road as a missionary. “I also want to make the know-how behind vegan products accessible to the general public and what alternative they can be. The subject fascinates me.”

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However, the 33-year-old does not want to propagate a complete renunciation of meat. Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner (47, CSU) put it in a nutshell: “It’s about offers, not bans.”

Müller’s favorites: the vegan sausage spread, then the vegan meat loaf, then the vegan burger. But the white sausage is not on his hit list. All based on pea proteins. He sometimes even prepares the spreadable sausage from the packaging himself at home if he feels like it.

Müller with Greenforce boss Thomas Isermann (left) and Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner

Photo: Stephan Kürthy

“Can you really do that?” asks the BILD reporter in disbelief. “Sure, I just have to add water,” laughs Müller. The spread is then mixed with the contents of the bag.

That reminds you of a favorite saying of many footballers: “The others only cook with water!”

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