Giverny-“Le Point” awards: “reindustrialize and decarbonize”

by time news

2023-07-03 16:00:00

Alice Vieillefosse, who works at the DGEC, won the Giverny-“Le Point” awards in the administration and elected officials category.

By Marius Bocquet

Published on 03/07/2023 at 4:00 p.m.

Alice Vieillefosse is Deputy Director for Security of Supply and New Energy Products at the DGEC (General Directorate for Energy and Climate). Winner of the Giverny- Point in the administration and elected officials category, this 35-year-old engineer says she is motivated by “projects that make sense, that really contribute to the transformation of the way we consume and produce, but also all that is innovation to reindustrialize and decarbonize”.

Trained at the École nationale des ponts et chaussées, she began working at the Ministry of the Environment as assistant to the head of the renewable heat and energy savings office in 2011. After a stint in the private sector as a senior business analyst at EDF Energy in London in 2015, she joined the DGEC, where she first worked on energy innovation themes. “Overall, we were trying to support innovation projects, decarbonization of existing players, but also new entrants, which are important for accelerating transformations, in particular decarbonized hydrogen projects,” she explains.

READ ALSOCSR awards: these 50 young leaders who act for tomorrowDeputy Director for Security of Supply and New Energy Products since July 2021, she is now at the head of a team of 45 people. “In concrete terms, we offer our political decision-makers the different scenarios, the different objectives that we can set and the means of achieving them,” she explains. “We work extensively with all stakeholders (companies, farmers, start-ups, territories, NGOs) to understand the feasibility of our objectives. Once the course is set, we are responsible for setting up the whole framework so that the actors know how to move forward, ”she explains.

For Alice Vieillefosse, it is “convince, incite or oblige”. “We try to promote projects with a clear framework and objectives. In case of need, we support with public money, but sometimes we also act by force,” she says. In addition, its team intervenes on a daily basis in the event of a fuel or gas supply crisis to ensure crisis management with the actors, two sectors “very impacted by the war in Ukraine”.

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