A UFO, Mussolini and the Pope: a ufologist claims to have proof of a bizarre conspiracy that occurred 90 years ago

by time news

2023-07-03 20:45:00

An Italian researcher shared extraordinary files that he considers evidence of the possible first UFO incident in the world, occurred in Italy 14 years before Roswelland claimed that a secret office established by the government of Benito Mussolini to study the ship, which was later captured by US forces.

Roberto Pinotti, President of the National Ufology Center of Italy (CUN), said he obtained the documents on the alleged accident, which occurred on June 13, 1933 in northern Italy, after an anonymous person emailed them claiming he had inherited them from a relative who worked for the Italian dictator.

Roberto Pinotti, President of the National Ufology Center of Italy

Fascist-era documents in Pinotti’s possession include two June 1933 telegrams in Italian, one of which demands “absolute silence” about an “alleged landing on national soil of an unknown aircraft.”

The other telegram, dated June 13, threatens “immediate arrest and maximum penalties” for any journalist who reports on an “aircraft of unknown nature and origin” allegedly found on Italian soil.

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“The immediate recasting of any clue from the newspapers that carry said news is ordered”said the second telegram, which, like the first, says that it is a “personal order of the Duce” Benito Mussolini.

Pinotti claims that some documents refer to a mysterious government department called “Gabinetto RS/33” (the Special Investigation Cabinet 33), supposedly created by Mussolini to manage the recovery and study of the alleged remains of the UFO found in 1933.

Benito Mussolini

Finally, the Italian also received handwritten memoranda on a government agency’s letterhead dated August 22, 1936 that include a sketch and description of a flying saucer: a cylindrical object with portholes on the sides and white and red lights that allegedly flew over and crashed in northern Italy.

Pinotti said through the papers he was able to identify SIAI Marchetti, an airbase near the suspected crash site on the outskirts of Magenta near Milan, as the likely site where the alleged remains were stored. That place was saved from the bombing of the allies during World War II and in 1945 it was secured by American and British troops.

“A strange wingless metal plane” in northern Italy

Drawing of the alleged UFO that crashed in Italy in 1933.

Pinotti’s investigation and documentary evidence was met with skepticism in Italy. “From a scientific point of view, these are embarrassing stories. Any historian would turn pale to see how one tries to prove one thing or the other.” lament Giuseppe Stilo, member of the Italian Center for UFO Studiesspeaking to Vice News.

However, Pinotti told The Daily Mail that in 2000 the Italian scientific consultant Antonio Garavaglia examined the documents and stated “with reasonable certainty that only the sample examined and the object of the appraisal can be considered original and, therefore, authentic”.

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“The evidence speaks for itself. and shows that the first world leader to officially (albeit secretly) confront the UFO problem was not President Harry Truman with the Roswell incident in the United States, but the Italian Benito Mussolini”, he assured.

Pinotti’s story is supported by the recollections of Italian Marco Negri, whose family has lived in northern Italy for more than a century and recounted how his great-great-grandfather Pietro, mayor of Arona from 1920 to 1950, told his father stories. about a strange “wingless metal plane” that crashed in Magenta in the 1930s.

“My great-great-grandfather Pietro told my father a story about the freak accident in 1933, from when he was young,” Marco said. “It was a secondhand story that my father told me when I was a child in the early 1990s. But it does match the story of the accident.”

They told me that a strange metal plane without wings crashed somewhere between Vergiate and Magenta,” he added. “They told me that there was a lot of censorship around this accident. Fascist secret police were sent to neighboring cities to keep people silent about it.

Marco said his great-great-grandfather’s story also included a wild detail that Pinotti also described, without evidence: that “two bodies” with “light hair and eyes” and “the size of a child” were found inside the alleged spacecraft which was later hidden by the Mussolini government.

And what does the Pope have to do with all this?

Pope Pius XII

Pinotti’s claims came a month after a former Pentagon National Reconnaissance Office staffer, David Gursch, revealed that had denounced before the US Congress and other government agencies, under oath, an alleged secret program that he has in his possession multiple ‘non-human’ flying saucers.

Grusch claims that one of these alien craft crashed in northern Italy in 1933 and was hidden by Mussolini, before being captured by US forces at the end of World War II and shipped to the United States.

David Grusch, 36, served in the Air Force and was a decorated combat officer from Afghanistan who worked for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).

Grusch, etc former US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency officialI affirm that the alleged alien craft was sent to the United States after Pope Pius XII informed the White House about this almost a decade before the famous “Roswell Incident”.

“In 1933, a bell-shaped vessel, about ten meters in size, was recovered in Magenta, in northern Italy. Mussolini’s government kept her until 1944, when she was recovered by agents of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS, a former US intelligence agency)’, he told the French newspaper The Parisian.

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“Ironically, it predates anything the public has heard about for decades, like Roswell, etc.” Grusch said in an interview with News Nation.

The Department of Defense denied that UFO debris has ever been recovered in the United States. “To date, AARO has not discovered any verifiable information to substantiate claims that programs related to the possession or reverse engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or currently exist,” spokeswoman Susan Gough said.


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