Don’t let yourself get wet because of the kindness of holding an umbrella for others | Life – Entertainment

by time news

2023-07-04 06:58:00

It is said that there are people who ask you for help and expect you to help them get 10 points. But when they see that you only helped 7 points, they feel that you are really lacking in sincerity. Instead of thanking you, they assume that you owe them the remaining 3 points. A lot of troubles and grievances in life stem from this story that is not unique to anyone.

Kindness is a choice in life and the highest state of human morality. But not everyone in this world deserves your kindness. Don’t let your kindness of holding an umbrella to someone else get you wet.

Kindness needs thorns

If your kindness is not respected then let it grow thorns. Each person only lives once, must be aware of their own life and walk on their own path. Be kind to life, be kind to people, but your kindness must have thorns, otherwise others may not only be ungrateful but also hurt you.

One winter morning, a farmer carried his hoe to the field as usual. On the way, the farmer saw a snake lying on the ground, frozen with cold. Although knowing this is a dangerous species, the farmer still decided to save it, hugging it to warm up the snake.

The snake quickly stirred again. And when fully awake, it immediately bit the person who had the kindness to save its life. The deep bite made the farmer know he was going to die. Before taking his last breath, the farmer tried to tell those around him: “Take my death as a lesson, never pity the ungrateful.”

A person’s heart is full of evil thoughts, no matter how good you are to them, they will not reciprocate, even making you miserable. There’s nothing wrong with being kind to others, but your kindness should be sharp, like the thorns of a rose. Live in life, know how to treat others well, but first you have to protect yourself.

The first rule of compassion is to be kind to yourself

Honesty is the accumulation of virtue and also thanks to honesty, this world becomes warmer and better. But many people worry about others so much that they forget that they also need to be cherished and cherished. You want to help everyone, first remember you need to have this ability and second you must not let yourself be harmed.

Human strength is limited, it is impossible to bear everything, let alone take care of everyone around. Taking care of herself was great. As the Chinese writer Wang Xiaobo said: “Kindness is never easy. Wrong kindness will not bring others to heaven, but only drag you to hell.”

Kind people with compassion should not be put down by this world. If kind people always suffer, then this world will become an emotionless world.

3. Kindness should be given to people who deserve it in life

In this complicated world, how beautiful would it be if the relationship between people was harmonious and everyone was filled with kindness. But that ideal is far away, the reality is the immediate difficulties.

There is a question on social media: “When did you decide to be unkind?” and the following response received a lot of support: “Actually, I never decided to be unkind anymore, I just decided not to be nice to everyone.”

Kindness is a precious human quality and give it to someone who deserves it. Kindness doesn’t have to be something too grand and grand, just generosity and forgiveness can fill and warm people’s hearts.

Don’t always think about holding an umbrella for others and forget that you are still outside the umbrella. In life, not everyone deserves your kindness. When your kindness is given to a worthy person, it is the most beautiful encounter in the world. When your kindness is given to the wrong person, what you get in return will be coldness and disappointment. People who don’t know what grace are don’t deserve your kindness. Kindness must not be blind.

#Dont #wet #kindness #holding #umbrella #Life #Entertainment

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